Forests are a very important part of our existence. They provide us with many of the things we need to survive. That is why we have to preserve them. forests
Resources Trees Plants Fruits Animals Creeks/Ponds /Rivers
Products Trees- Syrup, Lumber, Paper, Oxygen, Nuts, Rubber. Plants- Food, Medicine, Oxygen Animals- food, pelts Ponds- food, water, oxygen
Trees!! Trees are a very important part of the environment. They supply us with food, water, lumber, and much more. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants. They also prevent flooding and soil erosion.
Logging There are two main types of logging… this will explain them
This is the process of removing all of the trees from one area at once. Clear cutting
Cheap Quick Safe Does a lot of damage to the environment Pros Cons
Selective Cutting This method of logging includes cutting down only some trees and leaving a mix of sizes and species of trees behind.
Pros Cons Does not do harm to the environment Expensive Dangerous Complicated
You can click on this link to see a cool video of a man using a logging machine!! &ei=EZDmSa3FIJ KurgKtldXeBw&q=logging+forest&hl=en &emb=1
This is a regular amount of renewable resources that can be harvested without reducing it’s future supply.
Certified wood Certified wood is from forests that are managed for sustainable yields. A well managed label allows businesses to select wood from forests with sustainable yields. This label can only be given by the forest stewardship.