FOREST CONSERVATION Can we make a fire without wood?
Learning outcomes By the end of the unit for this Project, you will be able to…… Tell where the main forests are found worldwide. Explain the importance of forests and the impact their destruction will have on all life. Collect, record and analyse data obtained by telecollaboration. Compile a list of different types of fuel used in various countries including South Africa. Systematically test the processes of burning wood and sawdust in order to compare them on common properties. Explain why poor people cut down trees for firewood and suggest alternative sources for fuel. Understand the relationship between man and the environment
Forests - Going … Going …. Gone??? Worldwide, our forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Why are so many trees being cut? How will this loss affect us? Why do the poor people in villages rely on firewood? Is there an alternative fuel to firewood which will not have as big a negative impact on the ecosystem? What can be done to help prevent destruction of our forests?
Project Tasks In order to arrive at answers, the following activties must be carried out……. Brainstorm on… IImportance of forests TTypes of cooking fuel used and if any of them have a direct impact on our forests. Construct a K-W-L chart on Sawdust. Record all observations during a trip to the lumber mill. Carry out experiments to determine which one is the more efficient fuel - wood or sawdust. Communicate and work collaboratively with your respective groups in the countries assigned to them. Communicate your final findings to your peers in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, Chart display. Keep a record of the daily activities done using a journal.
Assessment The following will be used to assess you. This can be used as a guide to help you develop your project successfully….. Scientific Report Rubric Poster and Powerpoint Rubric Collaboration Rubric
Timeframes All preliminary work regarding telecollaboration should be done before the start of the project Plan the project and prepare the class for the forthcoming project. Contact the liaision person and finalize the grade, class codes of the groups and countries you will be collaborating with. Place a large map on the notice board and indicate on it where in the world the partner classes are located Brainstorming on forests and -2 weeks collection of fuel data from villages Visit to lumber mill Experiment to compare the burning-1 week efficiency of sawdust and firewood Record and analyse data & discuss Final presentation (Ppt slideshow & Chart)-1 week Submission of daily activity log
Resources The following lists some of the resources that can help the learners. Learners should also be encouraged to find out and list accurately their our own resources and not depend entirely on what the facilitator has provided Green, N.P.O. et al, 1991, Biological Science 1 – Organisms, Energy and Environment, CUP, NewYork, P432 Dekker, J.G. et al, 1989, Advanced Biology, Juta and Co, Wynberg. PP Encarta Encyclopedia