GUIDED BY: PROF: Avani Vasant PREPARED BY: Vani Upadhyaya Amee Vasoya Mona Hadvani
SNK School-Ms.Bindu joshi Rajkot municipal co-operative bank –Mr. Ketan joshi Kadl infotech-Devang joshi Station-e language lab-Rubina Dalal
Company name : Station-e Language Lab WHAT IS STATION-E LAB? Station-e-lab is a type of personality grooming school which offers courses like personality development, ILETS preparation, basic and advance courses of spoken English.
Previously our company didn’t have a software, they just have a static website for advertising purpose only but student and faculty information management and attendance management was being done manually. So the requirement of the software has risen.
Our software would allow to add information about the students and faculty members, which was previously done manually. Attendance of the student will be calculated. Student reports will be generated at the end of their course by analyzing their performance regarding the course term.
Tax calculation will also be done at the end of every month and a tax sheet would be generated.
Student Management 1)Outstanding Amount Collection of fees is generally conducted in 2 parts : o Basic o Advanced Out-standing amount=(total-paid) If advanced fees is remaining and basic fees paid then outstanding amount i.e. the remaining at will highlighted.
2) Reference Discount will be provided for the students who have come with some reference of the staff or the director of the corporate.
Faculty Management 1) Faculty code Faculty_code describes which subject will be taken for how many hours and in which batch. 2) date of Joining
3)Resigning date 4) Training period New faculties who are Joining will have to attend a training for 10 days.
Attendance System Student’s attendance will be automatically evaluated by their presence or absence. If a student is consecutively absent for 3 days then he/she should be called up for the purpose.
Admin 1) Tax collection A tax sheet including the fees of individual students and the tax based on each one will be conducted and summed up at the end.This sheet would be generated every month. 2) Result 10 evaluation tests will be conducted which would carry 20 mars each.
So 20% of this total +20 marks project +60 marks theory paper at the end of 52 days result will be generated from the above given marks. 3) Fees collection Fees can be collected by cash or cheque. If the cheque option selected then the student will be asked to provide bank and branch name.
Front-end: Dot net Back-end: MS SQL server 2005
1)Multilanguage Development 2) Direct Support for Security 3) Automatic memory management 4) Debugging
4) Easy development or simple development 5) Versioning 6)Class library 7) Side by side execution
MS SQL Server 2005 is better at dealing with very large databases It allows secure and efficient storage and management of data It provides component and service that support business intelligence platform to generate reports and help in data analysis
The scope of the project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the project is developed as a desktop application, and it will work for a particular institute. But later on the project can be modified to operate it online.