ICES Symposium Comparative Marine Ecosystem Structure and Function: Descriptors and Characteristics
Publication Papers from the Symposium will be published in Progress in Oceanography Both oral and posters presentations Standard anonymous peer-review process Priority given to those submissions that meet deadlines
Editors Symposium Co-convenors will serves as Editors: Bernard Megrey (USA), Jason Link (USA), Webjørn Melle (Norway) and Ian Perry (Canada) PiO Editor, Cisco Werner and the publisher Elsevier, will guide the guest-editors through the process
Timing Final deadline for paper delivery is 15 December 2007 (3 months from today) Revisions will be due 2 months after receipt of reviews. January 15, 2008: mss sent to reviewers March 15, 2008: receipt of reviews May 15, 2008: mss revisions completed July 1, guest editors submit recommendations to PiO/Werner August 1, final decision by PiO/Werner [Note this date is important as it will ensure publication in If not met, the publication date will be 2009.] Published volume will be available by the 2009 ICES/PICES annual meetings in Sept/Oct.
Number of Papers The total number of published papers in the Symposium volume will be around 35. Journal has offered 500 pages. The editors may prescreen papers. Prescreening will be based upon quality, relevance to the theme of the Symposium and balance in the subthemes.
Review Process Minimun of two reviews; third tie-breaking review may be solicited or editors can decide in case of difference in opinion of reviewers. We plan to draw heavily upon contributors to the Symposium and especially those whose papers are submitted, including co-authors who may not be at the Symposium. Will ask for reviews within 8 weeks of receipt of the manuscripts.
Colour Figures and Page Charges There will be a fee for colour figures. There will be no page charges.