1 Fauna of Taiwan Yu-Teh K. Lin, Ph.D. 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-創用 「姓示- 非商業非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出 UUnless noted, the course materials are.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Fauna of Taiwan Yu-Teh K. Lin, Ph.D. 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-創用 「姓示- 非商業非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出 UUnless noted, the course materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Taiwan (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)he r


3 34 Biodiversity Hotspots Wiki World_map_blank_without_borders.svg: Crates, derivative work: Ninjatacoshell (talk) Data from Conservation International

4 Taiwan also has very high biodiversity Currently recognized > species in 7 kingdoms

5 Biodiversity in Taiwan -- over species TaiBNET

6 Fauna of Taiwan -- ~36000 species TaiBNET

7 TaiBNET – Catalogue of Life in Taiwan TaiBNET

8 Diverse Ecosystems in Taiwan

9 High elevation Mid elevation Low elevation National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project.

10 High animal endemism in Taiwan There is an extremely high % of animal endemism in Taiwan. For example, among 21 species of rodents, 9 of them are endemic species or endemic subspecies.

11 Let’s tour the ecosystems in Taiwan to see its animal inhabitants National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

12 Alpine tundra ( 高山寒原 ) National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu

13 Flickr ECOgarden Formosan Serow ( 長鬃山羊 )

14 Formosan Serow ( 長鬃山羊 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以 Wiki User: Peellden

15 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Alpine accentor ( 岩鷚 )

16 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Hsuehshan grass lizard ( 雪山草蜥 )

17 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Alpine meadow ( 高山草原 )

18 Formosan Sambar ( 水鹿 ) Flickr Flying Pterodactyl

19 Formosan Sambar ( 水鹿 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

20 Taiwan field vole ( 台灣高山田鼠 ) Flickr wagtail

21 Taiwan mountain pitviper ( 菊池氏龜殼花 ) National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章

22 Taiwan mountain pitviper ( 菊池氏龜殼花 ) National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章

23 Taiwan alpine skink ( 台灣蜓蜥 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

24 High-altitude evergreen forest ( 高海拔針葉林 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

25 Taiwan Laughing Thrush ( 金翼白眉 ) National Taiwan University 陶善達

26 Coal Tit ( 煤山雀 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑 Flickr enyagene

27 Alpine Lake / Pond ( 高山湖泊 ) Flickr 喵 Ting-tING

28 Taiyal Darner ( 泰雅晏蜓 ) Flickr

29 Alpine Creek ( 高山溪流 ) Picasa mitsuisi Wang

30 Sonani's salamander ( 楚南氏山椒魚 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

31 Mid-altitude fog forest ( 中海拔霧林 ) Flickr 麻里紗

32 Taiwan lesser salamander ( 觀霧山椒魚 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

33 Formosan Giant Flying Squirrel ( 大赤鼯鼠 ) National Taiwan University 李培芬

34 Mid-altitude mixed forest ( 中海拔混合林 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

35 Flickr Hiyashi Haka Swinhoe’s Pheasant ( 藍腹鷴 )

36 Formosan black bear ( 台灣黑熊 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

37 Formosan yellow-throated marten ( 黃喉貂 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以 Flickr jerry.wen.tw

38 Flickr John&Fish 新書 發表中 Taiwan tit ( 黃山雀 )

39 Taiwan Yuhina ( 冠羽畫眉 ) National Taiwan University 林靖淳

40 Taiwan Yuhina ( 冠羽畫眉 ) National Taiwan University 林靖淳 鍾昆典

41 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Short-legged Japalura ( 短肢攀蜥 )

42 Mid-altitude Evergreen Plantation ( 中海拔人造林 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

43 Mid-altitude Evergreen Plantation ( 中海拔人造林 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

44 Formosan white-faced squirrel ( 白面鼯鼠 ) National Taiwan University 李培芬

45 Low-altitude broadleaf forest ( 低地雜木林 ) Flickr Rwanda Lin 林郁文 台灣野百合

46 Formosan macaque ( 台灣獼猴 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

47 Gem-faced civet ( 白鼻心 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

48 Chinese ferret-badger ( 鼬獾 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

49 Taiwan Blue Magpie ( 台灣藍鵲 ) National Taiwan University 陶善達 Flickr Hiyashi Haka

50 Crested Serpent Eagle ( 大冠鷲 ) National Taiwan University 吳采諭

51 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Chinese Bamboo Partridge ( 竹雞 )

52 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Yellow-mouthed Japalura ( 黃口攀木蜥蜴 ) National Taiwan University 陶善達

53 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Taipei green tree frog ( 台北樹蛙 )

54 Stejnger’s Paddy Frog ( 史丹吉氏小雨蛙 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

55 Low-altitude grassland ( 低海拔草地 ) Flickr AppleTone 景隆

56 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Green-spotted grass lizard ( 翠斑草蜥 )

57 Low-altitude farmland ( 低海拔農地 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

58 Tropical monsoon forest ( 熱帶季風林 ) Flickr Formosa Wandering

59 Flickr YuKengShih Tropical reef forest ( 熱帶珊瑚礁林 ) Flickr ijliao

60 Tropical coastal forest ( 熱帶海岸林 ) National Taiwan University 陶善達

61 Wrinkled Land Hermit Crab ( 灰白陸寄居蟹 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

62 Formosan macaque ( 台灣獼猴 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

63 Taiwan greater horseshoe bat ( 台灣大蹄鼻蝠 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

64 City Parks ( 城市公園 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

65 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Red-bellied tree squirrel ( 赤腹松鼠 )

66 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Tiger bittern ( 黑冠麻鷺 )

67 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Chinese bulbul ( 白頭翁 )

68 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Swinhoe's Japalura ( 斯文豪氏攀蜥 )

69 Mid-altitude River ( 中海拔溪流 ) Wiki Peellden

70 Swinhoe's frog ( 斯文豪氏赤蛙 ) National Taiwan University 陶善達

71 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Low-altitude River ( 低海拔溪流 )

72 Crab-eating mongoose ( 食蟹獴 ) National Taiwan University 林宗以

73 Rumsfeld crab ( 拉氏清溪蟹 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

74 Formosan leaf-nosed bat ( 臺灣葉鼻蝠 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

75 Flickr Hiyashi Haka Taiwan Whistling Thrush ( 紫嘯鶇 )

76 Common Sandpiper ( 磯鷸 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

77 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Olive frog ( 腹斑蛙 )

78 Low-altitude Pond ( 低海拔池塘 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

79 Low-altitude Lake ( 低海拔湖泊 ) Flickr lush258

80 Chinese tree frog ( 中國樹蟾 ) National Taiwan University 李承恩

81 National Taiwan University 陶善達 Moltrechtis Green Tree Frog ( 莫氏樹蛙 )

82 Estuary ( 河口 ) NASA World Wind JAVA SDK

83 Mudflat ( 泥灘 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

84 Mangrove ( 紅樹林澤 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

85 National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin Kentish Plover African Sacred Ibis National Taiwan University 池文傑

86 Flickr plj.johnny National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin Mud flat animals National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

87 Marsh ( 草澤 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

88 Harvest mouse, Formosan mouse, & Yellow-bellied country rat National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

89 Flickr pcbirdtw Black-faced spoonbill ( 黑面琵鷺 )

90 Pacific Golden Plover ( 金斑鴴 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

91 Wood Sandpiper ( 鷹斑鷸 ) National Taiwan University 池文傑

92 Flickr Changhua Coast Conservation Action Black-Winged Stilt ( 高蹺鴴 )

93 Sandy coast ( 砂岸 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

94 Sandy coast ( 砂岸 ) National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

95 Flickr Changhua Coast Conservation Action Sand crab ( 痕掌沙蟹 )

96 Reef coast ( 珊瑚礁岸 ) Flickr Bettaman

97 Black-lipped sea krait ( 黑唇青斑海蛇 ) National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章

98 Yellow-bellied sea snake ( 黑背海蛇 ) National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章

99 Ocean ( 海洋 )

100 Copyright Declaration WorkLicensingAuthor/Source W iki Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC /09/26 visited NASA /10/7 visited Note: It is used under the doctrine of public domain: NASA Web Privacy Policy and Photo GuidelinesWeb Privacy PolicyPhoto Guidelines Wiki World_map_blank_without_borders.svg: Crates, derivative work: Ninjatacoshell (talk) /10/7 visited TaiBNET /10/7 visited Note: It is used under the Licenses for Creative Common: TaiBNET Data PolicyTaiBNET Data Policy TaiBNET /10/7 visited Note: It is used under the Licenses for Creative Common: TaiBNET Data PolicyTaiBNET Data Policy National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. /pdf/Flora_2_I-0004.pdf It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement

101 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Flickr ECOgarden /01/11 visited Wiki User: Peellden /01/09 visited National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達

102 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University 陶善達 Flickr Flying Pterodactyl /01/04 National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr wagtail /01/04 visited National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章 This work is licensed by 杜銘章 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章 This work is licensed by 杜銘章 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately.

103 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr enyagene /01/09 visited Flickr 喵 Ting-tING /01/09 visited Flickr /01/09 visited

104 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Picasa mitsuisi Wang &q=%E6%8B%89%E5%BA%AB%E9%9F%B3%E6%BA%AA&filter=1# /01/11 visited National Taiwan University 李承恩 This work is licensed by 李承恩 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr 麻里紗 /01/10 visited National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 李培芬 This work is licensed by 李培芬 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin Flickr Hiyashi Haka /03/05 visited

105 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Wiki user: Valérie /10/11 visited National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr jerry.wen.tw /01/10 visited Flickr John&Fish 新書 發表中 /03/05 visited National Taiwan University 林靖淳 This work is licensed by 林靖淳 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林靖淳 This work is licensed by 林靖淳 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately.

106 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University 林靖淳 This work is licensed by 林靖淳 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林靖淳 This work is licensed by 林靖淳 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 鍾昆典 This work is licensed by 鍾昆典 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University 李培芬 This work is licensed by 李培芬 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately.

107 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Wiki Peellden /01/10 visited National Taiwan University 陶善達 Flickr Rwanda Lin 林郁文 台灣野百合 /01/10 visited National Taiwan University 李承恩 This work is licensed by 李承恩 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達

108 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Flickr Hiyashi Haka /03/06 visited National Taiwan University 吳采喻 This work is licensed by 吳采喻 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr AppleTone 景隆 /01/10 visited

109 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University 李承恩 This work is licensed by 李承恩 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr Formosa Wandering /01/10 visited Flickr ijliao /01/10 visited Flickr YuKengShih /01/10 visited, National Taiwan University 陶善達

110 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin National Taiwan University 陶善達

111 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University 林宗以 This work is licensed by 林宗以 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 李承恩 This work is licensed by 李承恩 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr Hiyashi Haka /03/06 visited National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達 National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

112 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Flickr lush /01/10 visited National Taiwan University 李承恩 This work is licensed by 李承恩 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 陶善達 NASA World Wind JAVA SDK /10/3 visited Note: The original work is from World Wind Java SDK: It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: NASA Web Privacy Policy and Photo GuidelinesWeb Privacy PolicyPhoto Guidelines National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

113 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin Flickr plj.johnny /03/05 visited National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

114 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Flickr pcbirdtw /03/06 visited National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan University 池文傑 This work is licensed by 池文傑 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Flickr Changhua Coast Conservation Action /03/06 visited National Taiwan University Yu-Teh Kirk Lin

115 WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Flickr Bettaman /01/10 visited National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章 This work is licensed by 杜銘章 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. National Taiwan Normal University 杜銘章 This work is licensed by 杜銘章 for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately. Wiki User: Tomchiukc /01/10 visited