Located in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories in Canada Located on Banks Island
Arctic Climate Tundra is frozen and snow-covered Sept. to June Brief and cool summers Sometimes referred to as a “Polar Desert” 300 mm of annual precipitation Wind is a constant presence Snow and freezing temperatures could occur at any time during the year
Wide diversity of landscapes Sheer cliffs Valleys Hills
Castel Bay Mercy Bay Southern part of the McClure Strait Thomsen River Muskox Rivcer
Treeless land 150 species of flowering plants Arctic Willow: tallest plant that comes up no higher than the shin Brief growing season: late May to late July
Fish: 6 Species Arctic char, lake trout, least and lake cisco, nine spine stickleback, and fourhorn sculpin Birds: 43 Species only permanent are the raven and ptarmigan Wildlife: Muskox Peary Caribou Arctic Foxes, arctic wolves, ermines, arctic hares, and brown and collared lemmings Polar bears, ringed and bearded seals, beluga and bowhead whales
Peary Caribou are now endangered species Wildlife population is declining
Established in 1992 Pre-Dorset Culture Dates back to 1500 B.C. Thule A.D. Along the coast of Banks Island Inuvialuit 17 th century Occupied sites on southern coast Hunted muskoxen
Reservoir for sustaining regional wildlife populations Created a Management Plan Update for A description of the current state of Aulavik National Park includes the key challenges faced by the park and opportunities to consider A park vision for the future A number of key strategies, with specific outcomes and actions, that focus resources and efforts on achieving the park vision over the next five to ten years
An area management approach for the Thomsen River corridor where visitor use and park operations are focused A summary of park monitoring and reporting requirements A summary of the environmental assessment conducted for this management plan.