Erica A. Brown, MS Sabrina Cunliffe, MS, CRC
Session Overview Becoming a VR vendor for Job Placement Services Ensuring a person receives quality Career Exploration/Discovery When and how to refer someone to VR Preparing for the VR Intake Process Understanding the VR Eligibility Process Your involvement in Individual Plan of Employment ( IPE) development Providing Job Placement Services Long Term Support Planning
Becoming a VR Vendor Make contact with your local VR branch manager and discuss the services you provide Ask VR branch manager to add your agency to the vendor list TALKING POINTS Job development versus job coaching (stabilization point) VR training options Other VR services ( Disability Adjustment, assessments, skills training etc.) MQ’s to provide services
Job Placement Services *Referral ($100.00) *Proposal- Employment/Retention ( $200.00) *Proposal- Retention Services Only ( $200.00) *Job Placement- Standard ($ ) *Job Placement- Supported/Customized ( $1,500.00) *Job Retention- Standard ( $1,500.00) *Job Retention- Supported/Customized ( $ ) *Job Coaching ($40/hr) * This will change in October
Quality Career Exploration through Path to Employment Services and “DISCOVERY” Path to Employment Service Examples (Consider a Person Centered Plan to help develop these goal areas) Volunteer a few times a week Take a class Join a social club Provide targeted skill development specific to job interests Learn transportation routes Complete benefits planning General community inclusion Join a community job seekers club Work on disability awareness and self-advocacy skills
Is a time-limited process by which an individual’s planning team assists an individual to identify his/her interests, strengths, and abilities relating to employment, with the goal of attaining and maintaining employment in an integrated employment setting, including self-employment, prior to job development for an individual when establishing a vocational goal. *Get Discovery Certified ASAP! * “Discovery”
The VR Process
ID/DD-VR EMPLOYMENT PROCESS MAP Referral to VR Intake Appointment Plan Development ( IPE) Eligibility Determination Presumed Eligible VR Plan Implementation Job Development, Assessments and Job Coaching Authorized Transfer to Ongoing Support (ODDS) VR Closure Ongoing support through ODDS
VR Status APPLICATION Meet with a VR Counselor (VRC) for an intake appointment Give your VRC your completed Personal Information form, if available, take: CDP, ISP, and Discovery Profile Discuss your disability and problems with getting or keeping jobs Sign an application and other forms to open a VR file & send for records ELIGIBILITY Work with your VRC to discuss & evaluate your barriers to employment Assess your unique interests, needs, capacities & concerns to develop a realistic and achievable job goal Explore the labor market (if not currently working)-- narrow your choices for a job goal PLAN (IPE) Identify a Job Goal to get or keep a job Work with your VRC to determine what services will be needed to achieve the goal Develop a written Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) to get or keep the job Follow your IPE until you’ve obtained or maintained your job goal EMPLOYMENT (Closure) Found or kept a job! Maintained employment for 90 days! SUCESSFULLY REHABILITATED! VR file closed Transition to on- going support
Referring a Person to VR Pre-referral Considerations Career Development Plan has been completed Career Development Plan & ISP reflect the person has chosen the goal of integrated, community employment County Services Coordinators/ Brokerage Agent supports and facilitates referral process to VR Discovery Profile in process or completed 2 or 3 general categories of employment the individual is interested in pursuing Who will support the person in coordinating their VR process
The VR Intake Process Must bring completed Service Questionnaire Required to bring documents that prove the person is legally able to work in the US (I-9 docs) The authorization of Discovery and the VR referral should happen simultaneously. Bring the Discovery Profile if it is completed If available, bring medical documentation, current medical orders including diagnosis, treatment plans, medical assessments, educational assessments, etc.
The VR Eligibility Process Eligible Documented disability Disability related barriers to employment are identified VR services expected to reduce/eliminate barriers
The Individual Plan of Employment ( IPE) Development Process VR counselors must address the following questions in the IPE: Employment Goal Reason for selecting this Employment Goal Minimum number of hours the person will accept per week Discuss transferable skills, client characteristics and other factors that were used to determine the employment goal Rationale for selection of Job Goal: Describe the individual's strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, career interests and informed choice relating to the job goal.
Continued IPE development Discuss Labor Market Information Discuss job stabilization. What will it look like? What steps are needed to reach the employment goal? Needed Plan Services How are we going to measure progress?
Long Term Support Planning Braided services – decide with team what services are best for the person and who would provide services long term Define job stabilization so the team knows and agrees Develop a plan for transition to ongoing long-term support Systematic Instruction and fading plan
Questions Sabrina Cunliffe Erica A. Brown Vocational RehabilitationPartnerships in Community Living, Inc DHS- MacKenzie CenterPO Box Chad Dr.Monmouth, OR Eugene, OR ext. 375