21-06-xxxx IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: The amendment for the MIH_Scan primitive Date Submitted: April, 20, 2006 Presented at IEEE session #14 in Jacksonville Authors or Source(s): Liu Yuan, Dong Pei Ying Abstract: This contribution suggests some amendments to the primitive MIH_Scan. It gives the parameter Scan Request Sets a more detailed description. It also amends the parameter Scan Response Sets and adds a new parameter to provide more information for making handover decisions.
21-06-xxxx IEEE presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manualhttp://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3
21-06-xxxx Amendment to the current draft In the current draft of , The parameter Scan Request Sets of the primitive MIH_Scan is defined as the list of scan requests, but what is the scan request is not given a detailed description. Because of being generated by upper layers, the MIH_Scan request should be media independent and may include information of multiple heterogenous networks. It is also useful for MIH_Scan request to include the request parameters for each access network that upper layers want to detect. We describe the parameter Scan Request Sets with more details. The Scan Request is composed of two parts, the Network Type and the Request Parameters. The Network Type can indicate the network that upper layers want to scan. The Request Parameters may be given as a list of scan parameters such as network identifiers, addresses or operators for helping the network to filter and find the specific PoAs.
21-06-xxxx Amendment to the current draft MIH_Scan.request (Source Identifier, Destination Identifier, Scan Request Sets ) NameTypeValid RangeDescription Network TypeInteger0x01 – x02 – x03 – x04 – 3GPP 0x05 – 3GPP2 The network type that upper layers want MIH Function to scan. Request ParametersSTRINGN/AList of scan parameters for each access network NameTypeValid RangeDescription Source Identifier……… Destination Identifier……… Scan RequestSetsSTRINGN/AList of scan requests The scan request can be composed of the two parts as follows:
21-06-xxxx Background In , heterogenous network handovers can be initiated by terminal or network. If a handover is initiated by network, the PoA in the network side should know the parameters of radio environment around the terminal, such as the addresses and signal strengths of the PoAs that terminal can detect. Without these information, the PoA can’t select the proper candidates for handover. For an example, in GSM system, the handover between different cells is initiated and controlled by the BSC in the network and the terminal provides information for assistance. The terminal measures the parameters of radio environment of its neighboring cells and reports the results to the serving BSC periodically. The BSC makes the handover decision according to these reports and initiates the handover to the terminal and MSC. The terminal will shift to the new channel allocated by the MSC and free the old channel. It can be seen that the information reported by terminal is important for making handover decisions by network.
21-06-xxxx Background In the current draft, there is no way for network to get dynamic information of radio environment of terminal. The Link_Parameters_Change, MIH_Get_Status or MIH_Link_Parameters_Report can only report the parameters of the currently used link or links that have been established. The MIH_Scan response is used to provide the potential PoAs’ information but can not provide dynamic radio environment parameters such as signal strength that the terminal has detected. We can extend the MIH_Scan primitive to provide more information for making handover decision. An another problem is the MIH_Scan response can only report the PoAs scanned, not including the PoAs that can not be detected. Network may need to know that the terminal has moved out from some PoAs’ coverage areas and can not listen to beacons, so it will not consider these PoAs when choosing handover candidates.
21-06-xxxx Amendment to the current draft MIH_Scan.response (SourceIdentifier, DestinationIdentifier, Scan Response Sets, Scan Not Detect Sets) NameTypeValid RangeDescription Source IdentifierIdentifierAny valid individual or group identifier The identifier of entity where the request is initiated. This field may be optionally left empty if the command is local Destination IdentifierIdentifierMIH_LOCAL MIH_REMOTE The destination identifier of request or response.This is the identifier of local or peer MIH Function Scan Response SetsSTRINGN/AList of detected PoAs and their radio parameters. Scan Not Detect SetsSTRINGN/AList of information of PoAs that exist in previous scan but can not be detected in current scan.
21-06-xxxx The information of PoAs scanned and their radio paramenters may include the static and dynamic parts as follows: Amendment to the current draft NameTypeValid RangeDescription NETWORK_TYPEInteger0x01 – x02 – x03 – x04 – 3GPP 0x05 – 3GPP2 The network type of PoA NETWORK_IDSTRINGN/AThe identifier of network ADDRESSSTRINGN/AThe address of PoA. SIGNAL_STRENGTHIntegerN/AThe signal strength of PoA Media Dependent Information N/AThe information that is media dependent and defined in related SDOs
21-06-xxxx The parameter Scan Not Detect Sets represents the sets of PoAs’ information that exist in previous scan but can not be detected in current scan. Using this parameter, the network can know the terminal has moved out from the some PoAs’ coverage areas and can not listen to beacons. The PoA’s information are as follows: Amendment to the current draft NameTypeValid RangeDescription NETWORK_TYPEInteger0x01 – x02 – x03 – x04 – 3GPP 0x05 – 3GPP2 The network type of PoA NETWORK_IDSTRINGN/AThe identifier of network ADDRESSSTRINGN/AThe address of PoA.