Campus Sustainability Programme Developing an FHE Climate Change Commitment
Outcomes for day By the end of the event, participants will have had the opportunity to: Consider the international and Scottish context of climate change Discuss what actions might be taken in institutions to reduce carbon emissions Learn about examples of climate change commitments Consider how the sector might develop its own climate change commitment Decided what action they need to take now.
Programme for the day (1) 10.00International and national drivers for Carbon reductions 10.40Small group work: identifying projects that will reduce carbon use 11.30Refreshment break Small group work: implementing projects that will reduce carbon use 12.45Lunch
Programme for the day (2) 13.30Examples of Climate Change commitments and declarations 14.00Applying a climate change commitment to FHE 14.45Refreshment break Next steps 15.30Finish and Green Drinks
Imperatives for Action Hugh Muschamp
Task 1: What can be done at institutional level to achieve a 50% CO 2 reduction by 2020? In your group, draft a list of ideas and projects which would enable Colleges and Universities to achieve this level of reductions
Task 2: Discuss the implementation of one of these projects In your chosen group complete a proforma describing how your idea/project can be achieved
Climate Change and Commitments Hugh Muschamp
Background to FHE sector approach Jan Climate Challenge Workshop for FHE Institutions Suggestion of Commitment welcomed by Scottish institutions July/Sept 2007 – Discussion of CCD Development of a commitment discussed at EAUC Scotland’s Strategic Development Topic Support Network meetings August 2007 – Scottish Executive support (now Government) Paper presented to the Scottish Local Authority Climate Change Programme Development Group (SLACCPDG) October 2007 – Initial proposal submitted to SFC In principal support from the SFC
Climate Change Commitments, Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities Question 1 – Consider applying the SCCD and Presidents Declaration to the Scottish FHE Sector and identify the +ve and -ve aspects of each. Question 2 – What would need to be in place for your institution to deliver on a climate change commitment for Scotland’s FHE sector?
Committing to Next Steps Individuals Organisations