Jessica Martin
The name of the product I am choosing to research is Wikipedia
The address to this website is
The purpose of the software is to have on online encyclopaedia for every ones use.
GNU General Public Licence GPL This is a free licence, which allows people to use software for free as long as they agree to certain terms and conditions.
The CC stands for Creative Commons this licence allows people to use work and music and pictures but with less rights reserved then if you were to copyright the work.
The Wikipedia website was officially launched in 2001
Wikipedia is totally free for users, so it gets its funding from adverts.
The main people associated with the project is the people that use it, the information is also put on there by the people that use it.
The people that use this are people all over the world as Wikipedia can be translated into 10 languages. These languages include, English, German, French, Polish, Russian, Chinease, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. So wikipedia must be used all over the world, if its needed to be translated into all of these languages.
There is no record of any individual person or group of people that have created Wikipedia. It seems to be made by a number of people, who have put it together.
Wikipedias’ main competitor is: The projects advantages over other competitors is that it is popular and there is something on everything because its built by people all over the world.
Wikipedias’ main weaknesses are pretty much the same as its strengths, because all you need is a login account to be able to alter information pages made by other people. This means that maybe pages could be vandalised/hacked by people who disagree with certain subjects.
The project seems quite easy to contribute to. However to contribute to it you need to login to an account. Since I don’t have a login account cannot see if it explains how to contribute to Wikipedia. I think the project would be quite difficult to contribute to at first, since it looks a bit complicated and I am sure the first sites created by people would be simple and it would take quite a while!
Now I have looked further into the project I have realised that it is a useful website and maybe I will use it more in the future. I do not think Wikipedia needs improving in anyway since it is simple, straight to the point, easy to use and also easy to search. If I was a Member of the project I don’t think I would change it in anyway!
How to use a search engine I am able to enter keywords from my project to search for the website I want to learn about. I am able to search for websites I am interested in by using a search engine like Google.
Websites use to complete my project Sites used to answer these questions:
lists List are when the person sending an links a number of addresses together so they don’t have to enter all the addresses individually. I think this is used in my project to people about updates being made to their page. If the page belongs to a number of people they a number of people via an list.
A website that agrees with the advantages I have stated about Wikipedia I have found a website full of peoples reviews of Wikipedia. After searching through this site I have found a Review that agrees with the things I have said about the advantages of Wikipedia. The link to this site is:
A demonstration that the Internet sometimes lies This is an example of the internet not always being the truth: This website below says that Elvis Presley IS alive. However we all know this is not true. This website shows that the internet doesn’t always tell you the truth.