Arrange the slides in the proper order then change the background to a color other than white to check yourself. Close without saving to return to orginal order.
Injury to lining of blood vessel exposes collagen fibers. 1.
Platelets become sticky and flatten against torn wall. 2.
Platelets begin to release chemicals that make other nearby platelets sticky. 3.
Prothrombin activator released from damaged cells 4.
Prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to thrombin. 5.
Thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen molecules into a fibrin mesh. 6.
Contraction of proteins released by platelets pulls edges of wound closer together. 7.
Platelet-derived growth factor released by platelets stimulates the repair of the damaged lining of the blood vessel. 8.
Fibrinolysis removes clot. 9.