Australia Mrs. Barker’s Web Quest
Introduction Your goal will be to locate FIVE different facts about Australia to share with the class. You may present this information with a poster, a PowerPoint, or a written report. You must use Mrs. Barker’s information sheet to keep track of information you find. Next, choose your 5 facts.
Facts: Choose 5 Climate: What is the climate or weather like in Australia? Major Cities: Name 3 major cities in Australia and name 1 important fact about each one. Famous Places: Name a famous place and why it is famous. National Symbols: Our national symbol is the Bald Eagle. What is Australia’s national symbol? Flag: Draw a picture and/or describe their flag. Song: Do they have a national song? If so, what is it? States: We have 50 states. Is Australia divided into states? If so, what are they named. Holidays: Name one Holiday that is different than ours. Food: What is a popular food in Australia? People: Our native people were called Indians. What are Australia’s native people called. Animals: Name 2 animals you will find in Australia that are not found in the USA.
Websites You May Use Quick facts about Australia Quick facts about Australia Kidport Library Kidport Library Kidzone Kidzone Treks and Trails Treks and Trails Fact Monster Fact Monster Kids World Travel Kids World Travel Enchanted Learning Enchanted Learning Australian Food Australian Food World Atlas World Atlas