ABC BOOK. Abolitionist Person who wanted to end slavery Ambush Surprise attack Alliance Close association between nations formed to advance common goals.


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Presentation transcript:


Abolitionist Person who wanted to end slavery Ambush Surprise attack Alliance Close association between nations formed to advance common goals Alien Immigrant living in a country in which he or she isn’t a citizen

Backcountry Region of hills & forest west of tide water Blockade-runner Ship that sails into & out of blockaded areas Burgesses Elected representative s to an assembly Boomtown A community experiencing sudden growth in business and population

Cabinet Group of advisors to the president Canal Artificial waterway Capital Money for an investment Cash crop Farm crop raised to be sold

Desert To leave without permission Draft The selection of persons for required military services Depreciate Fall in value Debtor Person or country that owes money

Emancipate Free from slavery Embargo Order prohibiting trade with another country Emigrant A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere Export Sell goods abhroad

Famine extreme shortage of food Frigate warship Fugitive Runaway or trying to runaway Freedman A person freed from slavery

Guerilla warfare Hit and run technique Guerilla tactics Referring to a surprise attack Greenback Piece of money first in the north during the civil war Global warming increase of average world temperature

Human rights Rights reguarded as belonging to all persons Horizontal integration A combing of competting firms into one Henry, Patrick Member in the house of burgesses House of burgesses Two representatives from tens towns met in a church

Import Buy goods from foreign markets Impressments Forcing people into service Inflation Continues rise in prices of goods and services Ironclad Armed naval vessel

Joint occupation The possession and settling of an area shared between to countries Jackson, Andrew 7 president Judicial branch The branch of government including the federal court Judicial review The right of the supreme court to be determine if a law is uncostitututional

Knox Henry 1st secretary of war Kansas Nebraska act 1 free state for every free state Kansas bleeding Mini civil war Key Fransis Scott Author of star spangled banner

Landslide Overwhelming victory Lee, Robert e. Leader of confederate army Literacy Ability to read and write Loyalist A person who wanted to stay Loyal to great britian

Maize Early form of corn grown by Native Americans Majority More than half Mission religious settlement Militia Group of citizens trained to fight

Nullify To cancel or make ineffective Neutral Taking no side in a conflict Neutrality A position of not taking sides Normal school Two year school for training high school grads. To become teachers

Offensive Position of attacking Ordinance A law or regulation Override Overturn or defeat as a bill in congress Overseer Person who supervises a large opperation

Precedent A tradition Privateer Armed private ship Perjury Lying when one has sworn the oath Petition Formal request

Quakers People who settled for religious freedom Quechan Incan language Quartering troops Allow soldiers to live in your house and eat your food Quebec, battle of British general john Wolfe attacked an won

Radical extreme Ranchero Mexican ranch owner Recruit Enlist soldiers in the army Ratify Give official approval to

Secede Leave or withdraw Secession Withdrawal from union Sectionalism Loyalty to a region Suffrage The right to vote

Tariff A tax on imported or exported goods Tribute Money paid for protection Terrace A raised piece of land with the top leveled off to promote farming Tidewater A region of flat low lying plains the seacoast

Utopia Perfect society Unalienable rights A right that be surrendered Unconstitutional Not agreeing with the constitution Underground railroad A system of routes across the u.s. that led from the south to the north

Vaquero Hispanic ranch owner Veto To prevent a bill from becoming a law Vigilantes People who take the law into their own hands Vertical interrogation Combining of companies AND SUPPLIES FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY

War hawks Rep. during Madison's presidency that wanted war with great Britain Department of war Department dealing with war Washington, George 1 st U.S. president Writes of assistance Document that allowed officers to check homes for smuggled goods

Xyz affairs 3 French agents came to America

Yankee Union soldier Yorktown British surrender to U.S. YEOMAN Southern farm owner without slaves

Zenger, John Peter New York journal faced charges of libel for printing a critical report about the royal governor of N.Y.