Current Awareness Features in the SwetsnetNavigator / NESLI service Robert Bley Electronic Products Manager, Swets Blackwell London Current Awareness Afternoon 21/11/00
SwetsnetNavigator gives you: Access to >16,000 titles at Table of Contents (TOC) level for browsing. An unlimited number of User IDs and Passwords, including an Administrative ID and Password to allow you to create departmental and individual user ids and monitor usage. 250 TOC alerting profiles for titles you subscribe to at TOC, abstract or full text level. IP controlled access. SDI functionality (enabling users to save a search statement and receive update of new results, by , at a specified frequency). Up to 30 SDI profiles can be created. Each additional block of 100 alerts£90 Each additional block of 25 SDI profiles£90
Case study: How one corporate library & info service has used SwetsnetNavigators alerting functions to increase its profile and deliver service! Alerts!
Alerts: Case study - a medium sized library PROBLEM: circulation of journals taking 2 years journals not trackable using BL for articles in circulating journals SOLUTION: keep journals in the library circulate SDI PROCESS: TOCS ed to librarian forwarded to all on circulation list hot links to abstracts and to full text via SwetsNet
Alerts: Case study RESULT: better use of journals as resource kudos for information service - proactive - integral part of research process
For more information - check out
Thank you for your attention Robert Bley Swets Blackwellhttp:// UK Office tel: fax: