26 March Independent STUDIES 100 % by Friday CLICK TO BEGIN Questions: Click Here 5 SOLUTIONS Directions: 1. Click on play. 2. Click to begin. 3. Click.


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Presentation transcript:

26 March Independent STUDIES 100 % by Friday CLICK TO BEGIN Questions: Click Here 5 SOLUTIONS Directions: 1. Click on play. 2. Click to begin. 3. Click on a subject Icon and read the overview. 4. Click the down arrow to find complete instructions 5.Each icon is linked to it's matching subject area. 6. Continue to follow instructions through out the e-platform.

CLICK HERE: For each SUBJECT ICON you must complete: 1 – Gather or Understand 1 – Practice 1- Assessment After completing all SUBJECT ICONS, select you extension project from the EXTENSION ICON. Welcome to your self paced work for the week. Due: Friday Friday Sit next to your “Driving Partner” and get to work.

The Subject Areas in the box below are due for this week. Click on the Icons and get started. Subject Areas For the Week 5 Pods due this week Due: Friday

GATHER Print the list. Create a tool for study, UNDERSTAND Discuss word meanings. Complete a teach activity WORD STUDY Concept to Learn: Flexibility in Executive Function LISTS: Spelling = Nov. 21 Vocab = Nothing Ever Happens on 90 th St. Voice Level: 1 : I CAN : 6.W.6.2c I can learn the patterns of English language words and build on my knowledge to successfully spell words correctly. 6.RV.1 I can accurately use words and phrases and gather vocabulary knowledge so that I can express myself well. Materials: Chrome Book Spelling List Spelling City Login Spelling Worksheet

Gather Understand Practice Assess Discuss both word lists with your partner, discuss the meanings of the words and the PART OF SPEECH. Practice using the Parts of Speech template and small post-it’s. Place the post it in the correct space and see if you and your partner agree. Fill in the grid on the response sheet and turn it into the tray.

GATHER Watch the video about reading strategies. UNDERSTAND Complete study guide LANGUAGE ARTS Concept to Learn : Text Comprehension Voice Level: 0 I CAN : 6.RN.2.1 ( ✔ +) I can cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text explicitly states. Materials: Chrome Book Story Structure Activities in work packet

Gather Understand Practice Assess With a partner, complete the study guide by following the lyrics to the song.. Read the detailed version of the strategies. Compare and expand the meanings from the song to the detailed text. Complete the study guide and turn packet into the Turn In Tray.

GATHER Complete LA Pod first UNDERSTAND Watch video about waste disposal SOCIAL STUDIES Concept to Learn Executive Function- Impulse Control Voice Level: 1: I CAN : I can analyze cause and effect relationships, keeping in mind how they affect people, ideas, and beliefs of others. ***YOU MUST DO ALL FOUR SECTIONS THIS WEEK Materials: Chromebook Garbage Article Work Packet

Gather Understand Practice Assess YOU MUST DO LANGUAGE ARTS BEFORE THIS POD! Read the article “When Will We Hit Peak Garbage”? Using the reading strategies you learned in the Language Arts pod. Complete the comprehension guide and strategy essay. Turn guide and essay into the Turn In Tray.

GATHER Watch the video about Color Field Art.. UNDERSTAND Go over study guide about Field Color Art and Op Art EXTENSION PROJECTS Concept to Learn How art and math intersect. Voice Level: 0 : I CAN : 6.RN.2.2 I can determine how text is conveyed through details or provide a summary of the text 6.NS.5 I know common used fractions and their decimal and percent equivalent. Materials: Chromebook Study Packet Color Field Art Paper

Gather Understand Practice Assess Read the short non fiction texts about Color Field Art and Op Art. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two art forms. Complete the study guide questions. Read over the notes about converting fractions, decimals, and percents. Discuss with your partner the differences between each method. Complete the math art table on the lower portion of your color field art. Begin by completing a 10 x 10 square. If finished compete an 8 x 8 square canvas. Turn in study packet to the Turn In Tray.

GATHERUNDERSTAND MATH Concept to Learn Measuring Angles, Coordinate Planes Voice Level: 0 I CAN : 6.GM.2 Know that the sum of the interior angles of any triangle is 180° and that the sum of the interior angles of any quadrilateral is 360°. 6.GM.3 Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. **MUST DO ALL 4 THIS WEEK Materials: Chromebook Work Packet Pencil

Gather Understand Practice Assess Complete the Lines and Angles Study Guide while watching the Brainpop Video on Measuring Angles username: lincolnbp password: brainpop Using an online protractor measure for the missing angles. gles.htm gles.htm Complete Sums of Angle Measures in Polygons. Solve the Protractor Golf angles and create one of your own.

GATHERUNDERSTAND SCIENCE / MATH Concept to Learn: States of Matter Voice Level: 0: I CAN : Using a model in which matter is composed of particles in motion, investigate that when substances undergo a change in state, mass is conserved. 6.NS.8 Analyze data, using appropriate mathematical manipulation as required, and use it to identify patterns and make inferences based on these patterns. *** complete all four sections * MUST DO ALL 4 THIS WEEK. Materials: Chromebook Packet Pencil

Gather Understand Practice Assess Complete the study guide while reading the following Chem4Kids site about Changes of State. nce/changing_matter/changingmatter.swfhttp:// nce/changing_matter/changingmatter.swf if that doesn’t make sense, try this follow up activity: te_fs.shtml Complete the virtual lab. /E17/E17.htmlhttp:// /E17/E17.html Turn packet into the Turn In Tray

Questions? 1.Begin by rereading the directions! 2.Next, ask your Driving Partner. 3.If your partner does not know, ask a Subject Expert. 4.If all else fails, find me and wait politely until I am able to answer your question. LIFE SKILL: Take responsibility and search for the needed information. Do not rely on others for basic information.

Care Corner “Any fool can know. The point is to understand. ― Albert Einstein