Respectful LifE Long Learners Independent And Inquisitive Caring Citizen Happy Achievers Blackwell Primary School
Star Chart Star Moon Earth Cloud Thunder Cloud All children start the day on Earth – this shows the children are showing the behaviour expected in class/school When children are showing behaviour above what is expected they move onto the moon and possibly even the star! They will do this by showing behaviours such as great class participation, answering questions, doing the right thing, showing kindness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness and showing that extra strive to do well
Children will move onto the cloud if their behaviour is proving inappropriate and disruptive to the learning of others. It is the chance to think about changing behaviour to do the right thing Children will move onto the thundercloud if they are still making poor choices and affecting the learning of their classmates. Children will then spend a short period of time in another classroom thinking about how they can improve their behaviour choices when they return.
Rewards Stars – if your child is a star, they will receive a merit and a table point Moon – they will receive a table point A ‘Star of the Week’ will be chosen each week and they will receive their certificate in our Celebration Assembly on Friday. In addition, in year 3: Good work will receive a merit A cumulative effort over the week will mean every child on the table at the end of the week with the most points will get a merit
Reading At Key Stage 2 home reading books are no longer provided Your child is welcome to read any suitable book, magazine, comic, non-fiction book or annual of their choice However it should be suitable for their reading level, if it is too difficult they may become demotivated Once a week, they will have the opportunity to visit the school library. They are able to take out 2 books in their name. We will try and ensure that one of the books they choose is suitable for them to read. The other book may be one that they choose to share with you, for example a book you could read to them Other sources of books: East Grinstead library The internet – online books e.g. woodlands-juniorschool website has directions to online storybooks The Book People – website that sells books at cheap prices! Book swaps with friends and family
Spellings More emphasis is being placed on learning the rule rather than a whole list of words which they can learn for a test but forget to use in their work! Spelling rules will be looked at in 2 week cycles. Children will receive their list of spellings to learn at home at the beginning of the first week. We will then spend 2 weeks in class learning the rule and completing spellings activities designed to help the children apply the rule successfully. At the end of week 2 (normally on a Friday) the children will be given a short dictation using a selection of words from their list to see if they can apply the spelling rule.
Out of Lesson Learning OLL is set on a Monday and is due the following Monday. The children who hand their OLL in on time will move onto the moon. Maths or Literacy tasks from their work books will be set weekly Please encourage your child not to rush their work, but to produce clear, neat work that reflects what they are capable of Children should write in pencil and please encourage your child to join up! They may find this difficult and slow at first but if they persevere, children soon realise that in fact writing becomes quicker and easier.
The OLL Project Opportunity to be creative on an area of the topic that they are really interested in It is due on Friday 4 th December There will be a project exhibition on Friday 11 th December, where you will be welcome to come in and have a look at all of their wonderful creations! Ideas: Presentations – PowerPoint, Films Artwork, costume or jewellery design, model making, Baking, cooking along with a recipe
Swimming Pine class will be going swimming until half term and Fir class will be going swimming after half term, until Christmas Every Thursday the children should bring a swimming costume/trunks, a towel and goggles (if needed) in a waterproof bag Children who wear earrings are advised to remove them at home before come to school on swimming days to avoid difficulties removing them and so they do not get lost Your children will be assessed by qualified swimming instructors at the Kings Centre and will be placed in the appropriate group for their ability.
Routines Start of the day: children will enter via the gate on the lower (KS2) playground and make their own way round to the Year 3 cloakroom. End of the day: an adult will accompany the children to the gate on the lower (KS2) playground, where you can collect your children from. The children will be allowed to leave as soon as they have seen who is picking them up.