Mrs Colucci and Miss Piper
Miss Piper- Monday, Tuesday Mrs Colucci- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Mrs Gordon- SENCO Mrs Pearce- Headteacher Mrs. Orchard-Teaching assistant Violin Teacher Stuart- PE
PE- Thursday(outdoor)warm clothes needed and Friday(indoor) Music (Violins)- Monday Homework sharing – Wednesday Spelling test – Friday Times tables-Fridays School opens at 8.40 and register at 8.50 and morning work from 8.40am Now children are more mature, drop them at the door! Hometime- 3.10
Uniform/Shoes Daily- warm/waterproof coat please! PE kit –keep at school unless filthy! No Jewellery/Hair tied up
Look out for WILF lists in the classroom! Use the games and ideas in the Maths Leaflets – maths can be fun! Look for online games and apps too. Show your child maths in real life all the time, especially shopping, measuring/weighing and time – this is free 1:1 Tuition on problem solving and needs no fancy maths knowledge! Recite number facts (LEARN ITS) at every opportunity – the sooner they are learnt, the more confident a child feels in every lesson. Top attainment is almost always linked to knowledge of number bonds and times tables at the age appropriate level.
Read every day. You can still read with your child. Listen for fluency but also ask them questions about their reading. Help them practice their spellings.
Please do 'Shared Learning at Home' with them. It is a joint project but your child must take the lead. Make sure they do a range of activities from the grid-any difficulties please speak to Mrs. Colucci Look at the website for updates on ideas and web addresses Also the calender Practice times tables-start with the 3’s and 4’s
Come and find us either before or after school. Any questions?