WHO MUST TEST: ALL students enrolled in English 11 ALL Term Graduates who have not passed the writing test.
WHEN TO TEST EVERYONE: Multiple Choice: Tuesday, October 19, MAIN Short Paper: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 MAIN TERM GRADUATES: Multiple Choice: Monday or Thursday, October 18 or 21, ALTERNATE Short Paper: Friday, October 22, 2010 or Monday, October 25, ALTERNATE
Term Graduates Students scheduled to graduate by August 31, 2011 Will receive two I.D. labels Must test two times Must complete both MC and short paper Will automatically be scored two times Field J, 2 nd Attempt coded for term graduates alternate/2nd test ONLY
Continued Term Graduates take both the Main MC (W0110) and Main short paper (#1662) on the same day as everyone else. They then take both the Alternate MC (W5030) and the Alternate short paper (#1667) on the same answer document. Be very careful and make sure students take them properly.
Multiple Choice Form # FOR ALL EOC: MainW0110 Alternate W5030
NEW FOR THE FALL Guidelines for Recording a Test Session and the corresponding Examiner’s/Proctor’s Transmittal Form and Affidavit for Recorded Sessions (Appendix B) Special Test Accommodations (Appendix C) Expanded and in two sections
New for Fall con't Special Test Accommodations Code (Appendix D) Added code 29 English Dictionary School Division Affidavit revised for submission with EVERY TEST School Affidavit revised for submission to DDOT at the end of EVERY TEST
New for Fall Con’t New Codes for LEP students ELL Test Tier ELL Composite Score ELL Literacy Score Race and Ethnicity Categories Answer Documents
New for Fall Con’t Project Graduation – All students currently enrolled in this will have the same number of opportunities as a Term Graduate
Materials for testing Paper of one color for brainstorming, and rough draft Pencils, pens Provide scratch paper or have someone check that it is blank All paper is to be collected at the end of the test and returned to the DDOT
Check in Tuesday, October 26, 2010 all day and Wednesday, October 27 until noon Bring all answer documents and test booklets to check in. Bring any unused ID labels to check in with a reason why the labels were not used. DESTROY NOTHING!!!
CHECK IN TIMES October 26, 2010 CHATHAM HIGH – 9:00 A.M. TUNSTALL HIGH – 10:00 A.M GRETNA HIGH – 1:00 P.M. DAN RIVER HIGH – 2:00 P.M.
Fall 2010 Non-Writing Non-Writing
Training Examiners ANYONE who administers a test MUST attend an examiner’s training session. Create a sign in sheet and add it to your check- in documents. ALL examiners must sign the test security agreement. Emphasize following the manual during testing. Emphasize monitoring the testing.
TEST PREPARATION TestNav Tutorial eTools Live ePAT online Rooms are prepared and ready for testing TestNav loaded and ready Dividers are there All scratch paper, testing signs, etc in room
Prior to Testing Create test sessions in PEM Be sure to go to FALL NON-WRITING and save – then add sessions Notify students and all school personnel of test dates and sessions Test tickets may not be printed more than FOUR(4) days prior to session SECURE THEM JUST LIKE BOOKLETS and PRE-ID LABELS Be sure computers are on and TestNav is loaded
Articles in test session NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES Scratch paper and formula sheets must be signed and collected Examiner should distribute one sheet at a time Patty paper, grid paper, notebook paper Proctors and examiners should be up and monitoring – not sitting
Special Education REVIEW all SPED students and KNOW the testing accommodations and see that they are followed. Note any LEP students and be sure their plan is also followed. Provide all examiners accommodations for students they are testing.
NON – Writing November 29, December 17, 2010 All testing will be completed before winter break, retakes included. ALL retakes require remediation whether from last year or expedited. Create a testing schedule, have it approved by the principal and send to DDOT by November 12, 2010.
WHO MUST TEST Every student enrolled in the class AND If already passed, create an already passed group in PEM. Modified standard diploma IEP diploma Check homebound THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS Will count in AYP
WHO MAY TEST Modified standard diploma students who need numeracy and literacy – Grade 8 English and Math Provide a list for DDOT Test takers – students who have left school and want a credit for a diploma Retakes – students who failed the SOL previously and need the verified credit Term Graduates – two tries
Examiners They should have a roster for each test session – print list Sign out/in test tickets – count them Verify Attendance or absence Students must sign test ticket and return it to the examiner Organize in ABC order by session Return to STC who returns to DDOT
Continued Be sure they have all materials * Scratch paper * Appropriate calculators * Formula sheets * Pencils * Accommodations Clear the memory of all graphing/scientific calculators
Marking Test Complete Pages Every student assigned a test must be accounted for via online testing Mark Test Complete button and choose testing status – Student Test Details Screen Re-testers do not have to be accounted for if they are not tested DO NOT mark a student absent until the testing window is complete
Testing Irregularities MUST be reported to the DDOT immediately Call me, then fax the irregularity sheet from the examiner’s manual to me. Keep a copy for your records. As soon as it is resolved, I will call you and a copy of the DOE response for your files.
In this version of TestNav, a TI function calculator is replacing the previous version of the 4-function calculator. Please see the attached PDF to view a screen shot of the TI calculator available in TestNav version 6.9. Note that the online 4- function calculator is only available for the applicable tests that allow this manipulative (Grade 4 Mathematics, Grade 5 Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Science).
QUESTIONS Vaughan Cell Phone: Vaughan – Office: Ext Mrs. Adams: Ext. 5018