part of the Distributed National Electronic Resource for UK Higher Education JIBS User Group meeting on DNER Milton Keynes, 1ST June 1998
2 What Makes a DNER? Content JISC & non-JISC Free, CHEST deal, consortia, market rates National Datacentres, specialised centres commercial vendors, HEs Hosted in the UK or abroad implications of transatlantic charging Access and presentation Access point(s) HEIs server, gateways, DSPs Common look & feel at what level should this be provided? (cf. JIGGLE report) Authentication ATHENS3, smart cards,... Degree of interoperability Cross-searching, links
3 Interoperability, not Integration Integration proprietary; locking users into product; vendor focussed; ultimately counter-productive for DNER Interoperability open, non-exclusive & non-proprietary; user focussed JISCs aim EDINAs aim
4 Views on the DNER Different angles User desktop Institution Subject Regional DSP Other factors Different users - different subsets Data types & structures Coverage in each subject area IT infrastructure: DSPs, users Special user needs visually impaired …….. Who provides user support?
Schematic View of the Electronic Library resource discovery end users access user interface service providers academic support staff within HEIs end-user registration HEI subscription end-user authentication dataset selection /negotiation /acquisition middleware electronic commerce
6 User Activities in the Information Landscape discover locate request acces s article of interest via Abstract & Index databases or subject gateways (eg BIDS ISI, EDINA BIOSIS, SOSIG) article of interest: via personal visit, online access use of service: via payment or privilege from membership (university, etc) verify identity of serial service provider: via holdings lists - union catalogues, etc. register & authenticate: e.g. ATHENS (Adapted from MODELS workshop)
7 Metadata Standards for Inter-Operability Content classifiers subject/topic content descriptors AACR2, Dublin Core et al identifiers URNs, ISSN, SICI, DOI, etc Format mark-up formats MARC, HTML, SGML, XML, [DDI=XML(DTD)], RDF data formats TIFF, GIFF, PDF, etc Address locators URLs, PURLs transport HTTP, Z39.50, ODBC, etc
8 CASA Cooperative Action for Serials and Articles Funded by the European Union 4th Framework Telematics for Libraries Programme 2nd phase began January 1998 led by CIB (University of Bologna), with ICCU (Roma), ISSN-IC (Paris), EDINA (for SALSER) & Ariadne Serial as well-described, complex information object How to exploit the telematic opportunity to enhance the ISSN world serials database to provide network access to ISSN world serials database to link union serials catalogues CASA Workshop, Edinburgh, 2/11/98 ISSN-based identifiers as linchpin in chain
AuthenticationWebserver WebZ ZBase Newton BASIS+ INGRES ARC/INFO OCLC Sitesearch Z39.50: Enabling Access to Heterogeneous Data Services Z39.50 HTTP Service access for end-user Service access for intermediate systems Z39.50 dbo Z39.50 OCLC SiteSearch 4.0 now written in JAVA on server side external sources
10 Development Work in Progress : Discover + Locate Aim: to support cross-searching and links to local holdings facilities (for EDINA services) Move to SiteSearch version 4, for Web and Z30.50 new: WWW for Palmers Index (Telnet, BASIS) upgrade: PCI, Art Abstracts (Web, SiteSearch v. 3) upgrade: SALSER (Web, WAIS) DBOC linking BASIS with Zbase new: WWW for BIOSIS (Telnet, BASIS)
11 Mid-Term Strategy: Discover Aim: to widen interoperability to heterogeneous search- engines and to non-JISC datasets DBOC for BASIS available to other Service Providers additional DBOCs? Technical discussion with OCLC to ease cross- searching of FirstSearch databases 'private line' between UK-server and OCLC: no cost-penalty for searching outside JANet Discussion with JISC Datacentres and other service providers about cross-searching and linkage
12 Mid-Term Strategy: Locate Aim: to contribute a Locate facility to the DNER - cross- searching across holdings lists (S) ALSER as a systems facility provide option for individual libraries or union lists to link in provide option for other DSP to link in Interoperability with COPAC and individual OPACs Link to ISSN World Serials Register via CASA Server Link to CASA Serials Services Directory (1999 -)
13 Long-term Strategy: Request + Access Words - Numbers - Pictures - Sound in collaboration with other Datacentres Links to full text: articles, digitised works Links to images: Art Abstracts Links to numeric databases: surveys Links to BUFVC
14 DNER: New Possibilities - New Issues Datacentres must present their services well accessible Web services new technologies must not impose new barriers Metadata for resource discovery local HEIs, gateways, brokers Z39.50 access for authorised intermediate services Beta version of revamped EDINA Web-site