Yong Choi BPA CSUB
An Information System (IS) is interrelated components to collect, process, store and distribute information to support mainly decision makings in an organization. Information technology (IT) describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) with telecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). CBIS vs. Manual IS CBGIS vs. Manual GIS
Information Age ◦ Bill Gates (how much rich?), List of GDPhow much richList of GDP ◦ Major TANGIBLE product of Microsoft ◦ Information age phenomena Population of “facebook.com” : 800 million active user US: 310 million
Post information age IBM WatsonWatson MOOC: massive open online coursemassive open online course ◦ Udacity Udacity ◦ khan Academy khan Academy
Functions of an GIS
Comprehensive term for all the physical parts of a computer Tangible: things that you can actually touch and feel ◦ disks, monitors, keyboards, printers, boards, speaker, and chips. Falling price of HW ◦ Technical driving force of the Information Age
Faster Cheaper (PC: less than $500) Smaller Shorter computer product life cycle
Price of 1 MB hard drive space 1983: $300 ◦ ** First PC in 1981 ◦ ** Early IBM PCs have MB 1989: $ 2 1997: $.07 Today: minimal
One hour teleconferencing ◦ 1985: $100 ◦ 1998: less than $10 ◦ Today: minimal (i.e., skype) Internet dial-up service ◦ 1997: AVG. $40 ◦ DSL: less than $15
More Multimedia Oriented…. ◦ graphics, picture, sound, voice, video clip Smaller, Smarter…. ◦ Tablet PC (ipad), smart phone…. More powerful ◦ Traditional: single CPU vs. all tasks ◦ Parallel: multiple CPUs vs. many tasks ◦ Massive parallel (process many tasks simultaneously) many networked CPUs vs. many tasks
Intangible: untouchable ◦ Written in various computer program languages ◦ C++, Java, VB.NET.... Set of instructions that hardware executes to carry out a specific task for you Changing of SW price Availability of various SW tools ◦ Technical driving force of the Information Age More important than HW ◦ Y2K ◦ WorldCom (now MCI)