Access to Justice and Technology Ronald W. Staudt Class 3: The Supply: Legal Services Delivery Systems for Low Income People Guest: Lisa Colpoys, Executive Director of the Illinois Technology Center for Law and Public Interest September 9, 2004
September 9- logistics September 20 (Monday) -- Web exercise and paper topics due September 16 th –no class for holiday September 23 rd – site visits/reports in place of scheduled class Visit LAFMC, Cook County Advice Desk; CARPLS; Prairie State…reports 9/30 Next Class, Thursday September 30, Site Visits and reports must be done before this class.
Alan Houseman, Access to Justice Conference September 11, 2001: Civil Legal Assistance for Low-Income Persons: Looking Back and Looking Forward, LexisNexis™ 29 Fordham Urb. L.J (2002)LexisNexis™ 29 Fordham Urb. L.J Explore the Legal Services Corporation website:
Today’s Session: Legal Services Delivery Systems for Low Income People Alan Houseman, Access to Justice Conference September 11, 2001: Civil Legal Assistance for Low-Income Persons: Looking Back and Looking Forward, LexisNexis™ 29 Fordham Urb. L.J (2002)LexisNexis™ 29 Fordham Urb. L.J Lisa Colpoys: Cook County Hot Line Experience; Leadership of the ITC, a collaboration of “supply” organizations Discuss Paper topics and site visits
LSC Act of 1974: Five Fundamental Objectives 1. continuing the "present vital legal services program"; 2. ensuring "equal access" to our system of justice "for individuals who seek a redress of grievances"; 3. providing "high quality legal assistance to those who would be otherwise unable to afford adequate legal counsel"; 4. keeping the legal services program "free from the influence of or use by it of political pressures," 5. assuring that "attorneys providing legal assistance... have full freedom to protect the best interests of their clients in keeping with the [ethics codes]... and the high standards of the legal profession."
New Plans/ New Methods of Delivery Coordinated service delivery- one state system Coordinated Advice and Brief Services Accessible intake systems Gateways to State Civil Legal Assistance Systems TIG grants and Internet tools…
Civil Legal Aid in the United States: An Overview of the Program in 2003 By Alan W. Houseman September 2003
Sources of legal services