1 Information Literacy Program Module 1 Resources The Emalus Campus Library Emalus Campus
1 Other ILP Modules Module 1:Resources the Emalus Campus Library Module 2:Accessing the Emalus Library Website & Using the Online Catalogue Module 3:Untangle the Web: Finding Information on the Internet Module 4:Critically Evaluating Information Sources Module 5:Literature Search, Citing Sources & Bibliography Emalus Campus
1 Learning Objectives to explain the concept of information literacy to inform students about the Library’s resources in all formats Emalus Campus
1 At the end of this session, students should: understand the concept of information literacy be able to recognise and differentiate between various information resources Learning Outcomes Emalus Campus
1 “An information literate person is a person who is able to recognise when information is needed, and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information.” American Library Association, Information Literacy Emalus Campus
1 better equipped for university life information communications technology is continuously evolving libraries continue to change in order to keep up with the changing information environment being information literate is fundamental to life-long learning Why you need to be Information Literate Emalus Campus
1 Finding the Emalus Library Google Scholar Wikipedia Emalus Campus Google Scholar
1 Formats of the USP Library (1) Print - uses paper e.g.books journals newspapers magazines Emalus Campus
1 Formats of the USP Library (2) Audiovisual - requires you to watch and listen example: audio and video cassettes, DVDs Emalus Campus
1 Formats of the Emalus Library (3) Electronic - uses a computer e.g.CD-ROM internet electronic journals e-books online databases online indexes Emalus Campus
1 Emalus Library Website Emalus Campus Library Home Page Emalus Campus
1 Emalus Library Website Emalus Campus
1 Resources for Law Students Emalus Campus
1 PacLII Website Emalus Campus
1 Online Databases & Indexes Double click Emalus Campus
1 Online Databases & Indexes USPL provides access to online databases that are either - subject specific (Marine Science) e.g. ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries AbstractsASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts - or, multi-disciplinary (many subjects) e.g. ProQuest many online databases provide full-text access Emalus Campus
1 BooksNewspapersReference Books JournalsMagazinesIndexes Law ReportsLegislationJudicial Decisions Types of Resources in the Emalus Library Emalus Campus
1 Ask yourself:Do I need background information to get started on my topic? Examples of background information: - definitions - facts - statistics - overviews Reference Resources in the Library (1) Emalus Campus
1 Reference Resources in the USP Library (2) DictionariesEncyclopediasAlmanacs & Yearbooks Indexes & Abstracts Statistical Sources Biographical Handbooks & Manuals DirectoriesAtlases Emalus Campus
1 Primary Source -“I was there” -original sources of information from people who have first hand experience with an event Secondary Source -a compilation or evaluation of previously presented data -does not present new data or research findings Primary vs. Secondary Sources Emalus Campus
1 Popular Magazines vs. Scholarly Journals Popular: for general readers glossy, colourful no abstracts no references e.g.Time; Newsweek; Pacific Magazine; New Scientist; Scholarly: for subject specialists complex vocabulary (discipline specific) may contain abstracts contains references / bibliographic citations e.g. Journal of South Pacific Law; Annals of Tourism Research Emalus Campus
1 materials on similar subjects are grouped together materials are assigned a specific place on the shelves each title has a address, i.e its call number (the number placed on the spine or the top cover ) Dewey Classification System– General Collection Divided into 10 broad subject areas example : EMB Generalities 100 Philosophy & psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Natural sciences & mathematics 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 700 The arts 800 Literature & rhetoric 900 Geography & history 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy & psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Natural sciences & mathematics 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 700 The arts 800 Literature & rhetoric 900 Geography & history Moys Classification System—Law Collection Begins with letter K – there are 26 major classes example: KP109 TRA 2004 How Information is organised Emalus Campus
1 Only if you know how to find the best information Information is power … Emalus Campus
1 Turn that information Into Knowledge And … Emalus Campus