Photo of Betty by Kat Jungnickel Rachel Aldred
Healthy & Sustainable Transport Systems: A Social Justice Agenda –What do we mean by healthy and sustainable transport systems? –Social justice and transport –Gender equity and cycling –Conclusions
UK CO 2 emissions, 2007 Source: ITF 2010,
In 1950, 2 million private cars were licensed in Britain - 1 for every 20 people By 1970 it was nearly 10 million - 1 for every 5 people By 2002 it was almost 25 million - almost for 1 for every 2 people There is no technological fix, and even if there were…
Vicious circle of car-centred policy & development: - degraded environments, run down and unsafe alternatives, fear, exclusion, and a further flight to the ‘safety’ of the car - major impacts for chronic disease - proving very difficult to reverse in the UK at least
Social Justice and Transport
Why Do We Put Some People’s Speed Ahead of Other People’s Lives?
Car-dominated cities: able-bodied, affluent adults only?
Gender-Equitable Road Environments? –[O]ne of my best friends, she’s just started cycling two weeks ago […] I’m trying to make her assertive. […] I’m not saying we all have to go around being aggressive […] but I think it’s more dangerous to be timid in the city. (M) –[It’s] just having the sort of the guts to say, “Okay, I’m a user of the road and I’m not afraid of you. You can do all those things but I’m where I want to be. You’re threatening me so I’m going to be in the middle of the road because that’s where I feel safe”. (F) (Source: Cycling Cultures Research Project, )
Who Wants To Ride Here?
Source: adapted from TfL 2013, available at est/143729/response/398827/attach/3/ Final%20report%20CRC.pdf Route preferences: London cyclists (male & female)
Final thoughts –Transport currently causes, but could help solve, environmental / health / justice problems. –Using an equity lens to identify inequalities & desired changes –De-centring the car and making alternatives pleasant, easy, accessible, and inclusive