“If you grow green plants in red soil they will turn yellow.” This statement can be best described as a? 1.Theory 2.Hypothesis 3.Law 4.Question
When a hypothesis has been shown to be true after many repeated experiments it can become accepted. It would then be called a? 1.Theory 2.Hypothesis 3.Law 4.Question
A species of beetles comes in two colors, green and brown. The grass they live in turned from green to brown after a drought. A B
Which beetle population had a competitive advantage after the drought and what color are they? A B 1.A, brown 2.A, green 3.B, brown 4.B, green
Which of the following best describes why this species of beetles was able to survive the drought? A B 1.gene frequency in the population 2.population size 3.size of the beetle 4.gene variation in the population
Which of the following is not true about the relationship between humans and chimpanzees below Human Chimpanzee Baboon 1.Humans evolved from chimps 2.Humans and chimps share a common ancestry 3.Chimps are more closely related to baboons than humans are to baboons 4.Humans and chimps share many of the same genes
Which organic molecules are used by mitochondria in a cell to create energy in the form of ATP? carbohydrates 2.nucleotides 3.lipids 4.amino acids
Which organic molecules are strung together by ribosomes in a cell to create proteins? carbohydrates 2.nucleotides 3.lipids 4.amino acids
Which organic molecules make up both DNA and RNA in the cell? carbohydrates 2.nucleotides 3.lipids 4.amino acids
Which of the molecules below is a nucleotide? A B C D 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D
Where in a cell would you most likely find lipids? cytoplasm 2.cell membrane 3.chloroplasts 4.nucleus
In the following reaction what is B? A B D E C ENERGY 1.enzyme 2.product 3.enzyme substrate complex 4.substrate
In the following reaction what is D? A B D E ENERGY C 1.enzyme 2.product 3.enzyme substrate complex 4.substrate
Would this reaction occur if the enzyme was not present and the same amount of energy was used? enzyme substrate enzyme-substrate complex products ENERGY 1.No, the enzyme is needed 2.Yes, at a slower rate 3.Yes, at a faster rate 4.Yes, at the same rate
The two lines represent the amount of energy for two reactions needed to cut a protein. Which reaction most likely takes advantage of an enzyme? ENERGY A B 1.A 2.B 3.not enough data to know 4.neither
The same reaction below is helped by two different enzymes. According to the graph, which enzyme works best in a more acidic environment like your stomach? reaction rate AB pH 1.A 2.B 3.not enough data to know 4.neither
In this experiment, two plates of JELL-O are digested with the same enzyme and the reaction rates are measured. One plate is placed at room temperature and the other at 4°C. What is the independent variable? °C4°C27°C AB 1.plate A 2.plate B 3.temperature 4.enzyme 5.reaction rate
In this experiment, two plates of JELL-O are digested with the same enzyme and the reaction rates are measured. One plate is placed at room temperature and the other at 4°C. What is the dependent variable? °C4°C4°C AB 1.plate A 2.plate B 3.temperature 4.enzyme 5.reaction rate
27°C reaction rate 0510 temperature Independent Variable: experimental variable something you change directly placing the plate in at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Dependent Variable: changes as a result of the independent variable you indirectly change it by altering the independent variable the reaction rate changes as a result of you changing the temperature 4°C4°C
(6) CO 2 (6) O 2 (6) H 2 O (6) CO 2 (6) O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 ATP (6) H 2 O ADP ENERGY The second half of this reaction does not require sunlight. What is it called and what organelle does it occur in? 1.respiration, mitochondria 2.respiration, occurs in both chloroplast and mitochondria 3.photosynthesis, chloroplast 4.photosynthesis, occurs in both chloroplast and mitochondria
(6) CO 2 (6) O 2 (6) H 2 O (6) CO 2 (6) O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 ATP (6) H 2 O ADP ENERGY What does photosynthesis produce? 1.amino acids 2.proteins 3.sugar 4.energy to make ATP
(6) CO 2 (6) O 2 (6) H 2 O (6) CO 2 (6) O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 ATP (6) H 2 O ADP ENERGY What does respiration produce? 1.amino acids 2.proteins 3.sugar 4.energy to make ATP
(6) CO 2 (6) O 2 (6) H 2 O (6) CO 2 (6) O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 ATP (6) H 2 O ADP ENERGY Is the formula for this reaction balanced? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Only half of it 4.I do not know what you mean by balanced
In order, what type of cells are these? ABC 1.bacterial, animal, plant 2.plant, bacterial, animal 3.animal, bacterial, plant 4.plant, animal, bacterial
Which organelle in the cell does respiration occur in? 1.mitochondria 2.chloroplasts 3.ribosomes 4.nucleus 5.vacuole 6.cell membrane 7.cell wall
What organelle uses RNA as instructions to string together amino acids to make proteins? 1.mitochondria 2.chloroplasts 3.ribosomes 4.nucleus 5.vacuole 6.cell membrane 7.cell wall
What is the definition of osmosis? H20H20 H20H20 1.movement of molecules from an area of low to high concentration 2.movement of molecules from an area of high to low concentration 3.the same as 2 but the water molecules only move 4.active transport of molecules from within a cell
H20H20 H20H20 What would happen to the cell on the left in this situation? 1.the cell would expand 2.the cell would shrink 3.the cell would stay the same 4.the cell would explode
H20H20 Osmosis The cell has a lower concentration of a molecule in it The molecule is unable to diffuse across the membrane into the cell to increase the concentration Water can cross the membrane Water diffuses out of the cell to try to increase the concentration inside The cell loses its volume and shrinks
What is this process called and what does your body use it for? 1.mitosis, growth 2.mitosis, sexual reproduction 3.meiosis, growth 4.meiosis, sexual reproduction
How many pairs of chromosomes does this cell have?
Why does the cell labeled B have more chromosomes than cell A? ABC D 1.the cell has divided 2.one chromosome from each pair has been replicated 3.both chromosomes from each pair have been replicated 4.the cell has mutated
Meiosis creates what type of cells? AB DC 1.haploid 2.diploid 3.gametes 4.1 and and 3
AB DC Meiosis Diploid 2 of each chromosome 2N Tetraploid 4 of each chromosome 4N Haploid 1 of each chromosome 1N Diploid 2 of each chromosome 2N
“b” is a mutant version of the allele B. 50% of the male and none of the female offspring show a mutated phenotype. Is the mutant version “b” dominant or recessive? XbXb XBXB XBXB Y XBXbXBXb XBXBXBXB XbYXbYXBYXBY 1.dominant 2.recessive 3.not enough information given 4.don’t know
“b” is a mutant version of the allele B. 50% of the male and 50% of the female offspring show a mutated phenotype. Is the mutant version “b” dominant or recessive? XbXb XBXB XBXB Y XBXbXBXb XBXBXBXB XbYXbYXBYXBY 1.dominant 2.recessive 3.not enough information given 4.don’t know