August Strategies and Activities Where Attendance Improvement Begins
The First Ten Days… Of the Attendance Improvement Program Organize, Prioritize, Familiarize. Communication, Collaboration, Concentration. Teaching Attendance. Prevention and Intervention. Set-Up Essentials GOAL 3 GOAL 1 GOAL 2 Attendance and Dropout Prevention Plan. © Asia Dove 2012
Secure Office Space & Supplies Computer, printer, fax & copy machines, & scanner USB Drive, binder, digital camera (optional) Butcher paper, bulletin board, certificate paper, poster maker, Blackboard Connect access, SIS (HS), ISIS & MyData Access Introductions Schedule a meeting with administrators. Visit classrooms and inform students about attendance expectations and incentives. Provide parents and staff with an introductory letter. Prepare bulletin board. Create AIP brochure. Send a Blackboard Connect Message regarding attendance expectation. School Culture Identify program supporters. Recruit staff, parent & student volunteers. Determine past/present program specific interventions at your school. Survey staff and students regarding incentive preferences. Locate Master Calendar and identify opportunities for collaboration. Office and Job Essentials Set(up) Ready, Set(up), GO… © Asia Dove 2012
What is the recipe for successful achievement? There are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities and be a member of the team. -Benjamin F. Fairless ESSENTIALS © Asia Dove 2012
To remain relevant, you must communicate consistently and intently. Plan to disseminate some form of communication to at least one stakeholder group weekly. Be creative and utilize various types of communication (social media, banners/posters, newspapers, radio, webinars, etc.) to reach your audience. Form partnerships with community agencies, SLC’s, and parent organizations. Join in other school initiatives to create attendance awareness. Create opportunities to bring all stakeholder groups together. Focus on data and tailor incentives, preventions and interventions to meet the needs of your target audience. Do everything with the Attendance Improvement Program and target grade- level in mind. Plan activities to meet the needs of the masses—MACRO versus micro. Three Tools to Use CommunicationCollaborationConcentration © Asia Dove 2012
Task 1 ~ Locate the ADP and review it thoroughly. Highlight information that is unclear and record any questions you may have. Task 2 ~ Identify the ADP team members or recruit team members. Task 3 ~ Schedule a meeting date. During the scheduled meeting be prepared to discuss the following: Roles, responsibilities and road map for attendance improvement. Attendance data and trends from the prior year. AIP expectations and goals. Attendance and Dropout Prevention Plan © Asia Dove 2012
TEACHING & REINFORCING EXPECTATIONS Display attendance expectations in all common areas (cafeteria, classrooms, hallways, restrooms). Facilitate an attendance promotion where students/staff submit a poem, song or rap and have the winning person recite over the PA system. Distribute Attendance Improvement Program brochures to parents, staff and community businesses. Plan a small group meeting with parents (Coffee w/AIC, Doughnuts for Dads, etc.) and explain the attendance expectations. Design a bulletin board to display August attendance data. Be sure to highlight students in the advanced and proficient attendance bands. Give grade level teachers a copy of the list of advanced and proficient students. If possible, provide teachers with an accounting of their class attendance rate for the month of August. Provide students with attendance notifications informing him/her of the attendance band they are currently in. Send a copy of the notification to parents. SHARE ATTENDANCE DATA GOAL TWO Teaching Attendance © Asia Dove 2012
Seek in-kind donations from businesses in the community. Create a list of community referrals. Include mental and medical clinics, childcare facilities, employment resources, etc. GOAL THREE Prevention and Intervention Invite community-based organizations to attend parent meetings or school resource fairs. Include family source centers, neighborhood council members, after school and extra- curricular programs, etc. © Asia Dove 2012
Star Burst! © Asia Dove 2012
Be Flexible and Remember to Share Your Ideas © Asia Dove 2012
You Won’t Be Left Hanging… Contact your local lead counselor for assistance. © Asia Dove 2012