The taste sense Traditionally the presence of the taste sense in marketing has been limited to demonstrations and tastings in shops. Generally, the taste sense is neglected in marketing, which undermines the aim of creating brand awareness and establishing a sustainable brand image. Taste buds work hard, and they are quickly worn out. In just over a week they are replaced by new ones. At the age of fifty this renewal process slows down, and the palate becomes weaker over the years. Children likes sweets, which is important when we want to make marketing.
Another importent issue is, that children must taste a product at least 12 times before they got flavor for it. The taste sense is primarily a social sense and most people hate to eat alone, and many business is done over a so called business lunch. Remember that the presentation of food and bevarages as a sense expression is important to the teste experience.
Colors of plates, decorations, furniture ect…. To make good taste experiences firms shoul be aware of how different tastes work together and be more flexible and dynamic in creating the taste experience for customers. A taste is one way to express a person’s identity and emphasize lifestyle as a sense expression. (people add vanilla flavor to their coke.
A strong brand can give the impression of better product quality and a better teste even if a blind test were showing that the product was not the best so The taste experience is not always based on the actual quality of a product. A firm has to consider how to stimulate the individual,s taste sense as much as possible, even if its product has no natural association with taste.
The touch sense Material as a sense expression can elucidate a brand’s identity and values. Touching the surface of a product in order to feel its texture, stability, or temperature increases the possibilities for describing the experience that touching leads to. Temperature as a sense expression is registered by the individual’s receptors for warmt and cold.
Weight is also an essential sense expression for the individual’s touch experience of a brand or a product. Heavy objects are thought to symbolize quality, whereas light and plastic products are often perceived as cheap and of low quality. Form can be one way to differentiate itself from competing brands.
One problem is, that people will not pay extra for the comfort but will chose the firm with the ”best chairs – flycompany) Experts have asked, if it is possible to touch a feeling – the answer is yes the new television campains have given people the sense of touching 3D. People can remember the touch from earlier by using the words ”feels soft and smooth against the skin”
The brand as sensory marketing a conclusion One of the main reasons for the growing interest in the five human senses is an ambition among firms to try to offer a customer treatment – that is more individualized and more personalized than before. To succed in the global marketplace it is no longer enough to produce and deliver colorful and informative advertisements or tv commercials on mass-marketing principles. You must have a customer treatment based on a symbiosis between the brand and the individual
Figur 18.1 How should a firm apply sensory marketing? - We start with strategic marketing, where the firms identity and values are clarified. - Then we have sensors expresses where a firm can use different devices or digital equipment to which the human senses respond to transmit triggers, or stimuli, to customers or to receive signals, or information about customers purchasing behavior.
- The concept of sensations captures how a firm can express itself as a brand by transmitting triggers or stimuli deliberately but unconsciously via different sense expressions to the human brain. - A brand with a soul must represent the core values of a firm – such as integrity, quality and self respect. A brand have a soul if they involve emotions, delight and values.
A brands soul can be clarified in a firms sensorial strategies through different sensors, sensations and sense expressions A sensorymarketing framework is a new perspektive and is mainly a result of the increasing individualization that characterizes the culture of the binary society.