Lithium Teshaia Johnson Pd.8
Lithium My Element is Lithium. Johann August Arfvedson is the person who discovered Lithium in the year 1817. Lithium is a very unique element. People can actually take Lithium to treat their bipolar disorder.
Info on Lithium… Symbol:Li Atomic number:3 Atomic mass:6.94 Boiling point:1342 Degrees Celsius Melting point:180.5 degrees Celsius Density:0.534 grams per cubic centimeter
Cont… Abundant physical state: Solid at 298k # of Protons:3 # of Electrons:3 # of Neutrons:6 # of Valence Electrons:1 Electron Configuration:He 1s2 Element Group:Alkali metal
Cont… Element period:2 Elements charge:+1 Color:silvery white with hint of grey Odor: Odorless Toxicity:1.5 millieqlvalents per liter Isotopes;Li-2, Li-3, Li-4, Li-5, Li-6
About Lithium Lithium was named by the man who discovered it Johann August Arfvedson. He named it Lithium after the Greek word “Lithos” which means “stone”. Lithium is very abundant. It is contained in many minerals, lepidolite, petalite, and amblygonite.
The common uses for Lithium are ceramics and glass, in primary aluminum production, rocket propellants, vitamin A synthesis, silver solders, underwater buoyancy devices, and batteries.
Work Cited “The Element Lithium”. Gagnon,n.d. Web. 28 May 2010 “How is Lithium mined”? N.p., 2009. Web. 28 May 2010 “Where did Lithium get its name”? N.p., 2010. Web. 28 May 2010