A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: Virtual Research Environments: Into the Future Dr Liz Lyon Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK JISC Conference, Birmingham, April 2008 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0
Four themes 1.Citizen science 2.Collective intelligence 3.Predictive data-centric science 4.Mixed reality environments (Multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral activity is assumed……)
Collaboration: with other scientists and the public…..
Citizen science Collaborative activity not just with peers Interaction with the public Citizen science Crowd-sourcing? Capacity-building? We need dedicated interfaces to exploit this under-used workforce
Collective intelligence Today: aggregations, comments, tags, annotations, ratings, reviews, opinions… Tomorrow: collective intelligence to analyse, assess, mine, extract, evaluate…. We need tools to leverage this resource
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announces 5 new Centers of Excellence focussing on the emerging field of Predictive Science. US DoE $17million grant to each Center Simulations of hypersonic flight, supernovae…. 7 th March, 2008
Predictive science Content is infrastructure e.g. Protein Data Bank Today: primary data, images, text Tomorrow: digests, simulations, models Today: discovery to delivery Tomorrow: mine & model, simulate & synthesise Today: statistics Tomorrow: Predictive science We need verification & validation methodologies….
London Polyclinic Imperial College / Nat Phys Lab
Mixed reality environments Opportunities for participative exploration Rich test-bed for experimentation Mimic, innovate and extend Immerse and experience Ubiquitous? Pervasive? Persistent? We need to achieve seamless transition, integration, linking between worlds…..
A centre of expertise in digital information management Slides will be available at :