Themes in Global History Review
1. Change Definition: Represents a New Way of Doing Things Represents a New Way of Doing Things a) Neolithic Revolution a) Neolithic Revolution - Change where people stopped being nomads - Change where people stopped being nomads and began to develop permanent settlements through and began to develop permanent settlements through the development of agriculture and domestication of the development of agriculture and domestication of animals animals b) Commercial Revolution b) Commercial Revolution -Change of trade and business practices that transformed -Change of trade and business practices that transformed European economies during the 16 th and 17 th century European economies during the 16 th and 17 th century c) Scientific Revolution c) Scientific Revolution -Change in the study of the natural world based on -Change in the study of the natural world based on observation and experimentation that challenged observation and experimentation that challenged traditional theories traditional theories d) Glorious Revolution -Change in the government of England where Protestant -Change in the government of England where Protestant monarchs had a bloodless overthrow of the Catholic monarchs had a bloodless overthrow of the Catholic monarch monarch
2. Turning Points Definition - a sequence of events that brought about - a sequence of events that brought about change change a) Fall of the Roman Empire - Brought about the Middle Ages in the Western half of - Brought about the Middle Ages in the Western half of the Roman Empire (Europe) and the Byzantine Empire the Roman Empire (Europe) and the Byzantine Empire in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire (Asia Minor) in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire (Asia Minor) b) Crusades -Brought about the Renaissance in Italy and Western -Brought about the Renaissance in Italy and Western Europe due to the re-establishment of trade and Europe due to the re-establishment of trade and cultural diffusion between Europe and the Middle East cultural diffusion between Europe and the Middle East c) Bubonic Plague (Black Death) -Brought about the end of the manorialism which -Brought about the end of the manorialism which started the decline of the Middle Ages in Europe started the decline of the Middle Ages in Europe
2. Turning Points (Pg.2) d) Protestant Reformation -Brought about the end of religious unity in Western -Brought about the end of religious unity in Western Europe due to the attempts to solve the abuses in Europe due to the attempts to solve the abuses in the Roman Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church e) Enlightenment -Brought upon the Age of Revolutions due to -Brought upon the Age of Revolutions due to scholars challenging the traditional ideas of scholars challenging the traditional ideas of government and society government and society
3. Belief Systems Definition: religions or a way of conducting one’s life religions or a way of conducting one’s life a) Animism - Traditional polythietic belief system that spirits are presents in animals, plants and other natural objects - Traditional polythietic belief system that spirits are presents in animals, plants and other natural objects b) Judaism -Monotheistic belief system of the Hebrews -Monotheistic belief system of the Hebrews c) Christianity - Monotheistic belief system based upon Ancient Judaism - Monotheistic belief system based upon Ancient Judaism and the teachings of Jesus of Nazereth and the teachings of Jesus of Nazereth d) Islam -Monotheistic belief system of the Muslims based on the -Monotheistic belief system of the Muslims based on the teachings of Muhammad teachings of Muhammad e) Hinduism -Polytheistic belief system of traditional India that -Polytheistic belief system of traditional India that governed Indian society based upon the caste system governed Indian society based upon the caste system and ideas of reincarnation and karma and ideas of reincarnation and karma
3. Belief Systems (Pg. 2) f) Buddhism - Belief system based on the principles of - Belief system based on the principles of Hinduism but rejects the caste system Hinduism but rejects the caste system g) Confucianism -Guide of living based upon the Chinese philosopher -Guide of living based upon the Chinese philosopher Confucius Confucius h) Daoism -Guide of living based upon the Chinese philosopher Laozi -Guide of living based upon the Chinese philosopher Laozi who taught that people should be guided by the who taught that people should be guided by the universal force known as Dao (way) universal force known as Dao (way) i) Legalism -Belief that the way to create a stable society in China -Belief that the way to create a stable society in China was through unquestioning obedience to a strong was through unquestioning obedience to a strong government through harsh punishment government through harsh punishment j) Shintoism -traditional belief system of Japan based on worship of -traditional belief system of Japan based on worship of the spirits found in nature the spirits found in nature
4. Geography Definition: How the natural world effect people that live there How the natural world effect people that live there a) Early River Valley Civilizations - Ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China - Ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and India developed along rivers that provided fresh and India developed along rivers that provided fresh water and fertile soil for people, crops and animals water and fertile soil for people, crops and animals b) Ancient China -Isolated due to natural geographic barriers that led to -Isolated due to natural geographic barriers that led to the development of a unique culture the development of a unique culture c) Ancient Greece -Due to mountainous terrain, developed city states -Due to mountainous terrain, developed city states due to isolation and hindered trade due to isolation and hindered trade - Irregular coastlines and lack of arable lands made - Irregular coastlines and lack of arable lands made Greece rely on the sea for food and overseas trade Greece rely on the sea for food and overseas trade d) Japan -Mountainous terrain and lack of arable land led to -Mountainous terrain and lack of arable land led to Japan to rely on the sea for food and overseas trade Japan to rely on the sea for food and overseas trade with China (cultural diffusion with China) with China (cultural diffusion with China)
5) Economic Systems Definition -various forms of conducting business -various forms of conducting business a) Traditional Economy - based on subsistence farming - based on subsistence farming b) Barter Economy -based on the trading of goods and services between people without the use of money -based on the trading of goods and services between people without the use of money c) Manorialism -based on the production of goods and services produced -based on the production of goods and services produced on the Medieval manor, minimal trade on the Medieval manor, minimal trade d) Mercantilism - based on countries depended on increasing their wealth by exporting more than they imported by having their colonies supply it with raw materials and serving its markets for its exports - based on countries depended on increasing their wealth by exporting more than they imported by having their colonies supply it with raw materials and serving its markets for its exports e) Capitalism -based on which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit -based on which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit
6. Political Systems -Definition -various forms of government -various forms of government a) Theocracy- -ruled by a religious leaders -ruled by a religious leaders b) Monarchy - ruled by a king or queen who has centralized - ruled by a king or queen who has centralized power power c) Aristocracy -ruled by a privileged minority or upper class -ruled by a privileged minority or upper class d)Oligarchy d) Oligarchy - ruled by a small group of people - ruled by a small group of people e) Tyranny -ruled by an individual who seizes power by force -ruled by an individual who seizes power by force
6. Political Systems f) Direct Democracy -ruled by its citizens who vote on all legislation -ruled by its citizens who vote on all legislation g) Republic -citizens elect government officials that represent -citizens elect government officials that represent the citizens in government the citizens in government h) Feudalism - nobles are granted the use of lands by the king in - nobles are granted the use of lands by the king in exchange for loyalty, military service and exchange for loyalty, military service and percentage of goods produced percentage of goods produced i) Limited Monarchy -power of the monarch is limited by the -power of the monarch is limited by the legislature legislature
7.Culture and Intellectual Life Definition: the way people live the way people live a) Greek Philosophy -Scholars began to use logic and reason to investigate -Scholars began to use logic and reason to investigate the natural world the natural world b) Pax Romana -Golden Age of Rome, 200 years of peace and stability -Golden Age of Rome, 200 years of peace and stability in the Roman Empire in the Roman Empire c) Gupta Empire -Golden Age of India, lasting contributions in mathematics, medicine, art and architecture -Golden Age of India, lasting contributions in mathematics, medicine, art and architecture d) Islamic Golden Age -lasting contributions in mathematics, science -lasting contributions in mathematics, science
7.Culture and Intellectual Life (Pg.2) e) Byzantine Empire - preserved Greek and Roman cultures during the - preserved Greek and Roman cultures during the Middle Ages in Europe Middle Ages in Europe -Influenced the Russian culture -Influenced the Russian culture f) Renaissance -Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture in Europe -Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture in Europe g) Mesoamerican culture - Developed complex civilizations before the arrival of - Developed complex civilizations before the arrival of the Europeans the Europeans
8. Nationalism Definition: pride in one’s country or culture pride in one’s country or culture a) Middle Kingdom - Chinese believed their culture was far superior from other cultures and their land was the center of the world - Chinese believed their culture was far superior from other cultures and their land was the center of the world
9) Imperialism Definition: stronger civilizations/country takes over a weaker civilization country a) Greek Empire - under the leadership of Alexander the Great that - under the leadership of Alexander the Great that included Egypt, Asia Minor and India included Egypt, Asia Minor and India b) Roman Empire -included Western Europe, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, -included Western Europe, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, parts of the Middle East, Egypt and Northern Africa parts of the Middle East, Egypt and Northern Africa c) Mongol Empire - invaded and conquered China, Northern and - invaded and conquered China, Northern and Eastern Asia Eastern Asia d) Han Dynasty -Chinese empire that conquered Southeast Asia -Chinese empire that conquered Southeast Asia e) Colonization of the Americas -European countries set up colonies in the Americas to -European countries set up colonies in the Americas to produce raw materials and served as markets for produce raw materials and served as markets for finished goods finished goods
10) Diversity and Interdependence Definition: How people from differing cultures work together a) Roman Empire - under the Roman Empire, many cultures lived together - under the Roman Empire, many cultures lived together b) Greek Empire -under the Greek Empire, many cultures lived together -under the Greek Empire, many cultures lived together c) Byzantine Empire -under the Byzantine Empire, many cultures lived together -under the Byzantine Empire, many cultures lived together d) Mongol Empire -under the Mongol Empire, many cultures lived together -under the Mongol Empire, many cultures lived together
11) Justice and Human Rights Definition: - various law codes and how human rights are violated - various law codes and how human rights are violated a) Hammurabi’s Code -1 st written law code in history, very harsh punishment, “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” b) Ten Commandments Law code of the Hebrews and Christians that guided the conduct of its followers c) Law of Twelve Tables Law code of the Roman Empire in which everyone was equal d) Justinian’s Code Law code of the Byzantine Empire that combined the ancient Roman laws with common law e) Magna Carta -Legislation that limited the power of the English King in 1215 f) English Bill of Rights -Legislation that created a limited monarchy in England, based on the Magna Carta
12) Movement of People and Goods Definition: -the migration of people to different parts of the world -the migration of people to different parts of the world a) Trans-Saharan Trade Route - trade route through Northern Africa to the Middle East that brought Islam to Northern Africa - trade route through Northern Africa to the Middle East that brought Islam to Northern Africa b) Silk Road -trade route that linked China with the markets of the West c) Crusades -holy war between the European Christians and the Middle Eastern Muslims over control of Palestine, resulted in a increased in European interest in Middle Eastern goods d) Columbian Exchange -introduction of new goods, ideas, technology between the Americas and Europe
13) Science and Technology Definition: Advancements in science and technology throughout the course of history a) Neolithic Revolution -development of agriculture and domestication of animals that resulted in the establishment of permanent settlements b) Invention of the Printing Press -development that allowed ideas to spread faster throughout the world
14) Conflict Definition: Various wars or disagreements that have happened a) Battle of Tours -war between the European Christians and Muslims that resulted in the pushing back of the invading Muslims in Western Europe b) Crusades -holy war between the European Christians and the Middle Eastern Muslims over control of Palestine, resulted in a increased in European interest in Middle Eastern goods c) Hundred Years’ War -war between France and English over English territory in Europe that resulted in decline of the Middle Ages due to a new loyalty to the king rather than the feudal lords
15) Modern Global Connection and Interactions Definition: How the modern problems/issues has affected the world