1 EURAILSPEED 2005 Session F: “HSR: The environmentally friendly solution” Milano, - 9 November 2005 H. Marty-Gauquié, Director – Liaison with International Organisations Paris Office, EIB Group
2 BASICS FACTS ABOUT THE EIB The European Investment Bank (EIB), the financial Institution of the European Union Created by the Treaty of Rome in 1958 to provide long-term finance for projects promoting European economic and social policies Loans and guarantees in 2005 : +/- 45 billion € Borrowings on capital markets : +/- 51 billion € 5 strategic objectives: - Regional development - Lisbon Strategy (“i2i-2010”) - TENs (Trans European Networks) - Environmental Protection and Kyoto Protocol enforcement - Development aid (130 countries)
3 Since Essen (12/94) : 71 billion € invested Growth Initiative (12/2003) and 30 Priority Projects (12/2004) : EIB commited to further finance up to 50 billion € « TIF » : TENs Investment Facility Long/very long term lending (20-35 years) Risk Sharing Financing (SFF) Special expertise on PPP projets Equity or quasi equity financing for « Special Purpose Vehicle » (SPV) involved in TENs projects under development with the European Commission: Guarantee mechanism (1 billion €) ( ) Securitisation mechanism. MAIN SOURCE OF BANKING FINANCE FOR TENs
4 : 12.7 billion € (+ 10 billion for « urbain rail ») Meeting several EU objectives: Economic and social cohesion/economic integration Sustainable development/Kyoto objectives (–8% GHG emissions v/v 1990) EU Transport Policy Goals (EC-White Book 2001) -EU-15 : to absorb +38% traffic increase ( ) -10 NMS : to preserve rail freight market share - To promote an European single rail market (interoperability/standardised rail infrastructure/free access) Competitiveness : - Reinforce rail industry’s potential - Improve service quality provided to clients - Improve rail operators’ productivity. FINANCING THE RAILWAY SECTOR : strategy elements
5 Projects must prove added value for : Sustainable development Reinforce existing capacities instead of creating new infrastructures Environmental rules : European standards and best environmental impact mitigation If necessary : studies on the valuation of carbon credits. An European single rail market Interoperability, intelligent traffic management systems (ERTMS, EDI, etc.) Priorirty to « bottlenecks» and « cross border » projects. FINANCE THE RAIL : projects selection criteria (1)
6 Projects must prove added value for : Promotion of railway efficiency Priority to projects removing capacity or geographical restrictions Enhancing productivity improvement (staff/material) Infrastructure compatibility towards free access/free provision of service Improvement of service provided to the customer. FINANCE THE RAIL : projects selection criteria (2)
7 Each project must go through a multidisciplinary evaluation covering the following aspects : - economical- financial -technical- environmental A specific methodology for rail projects : « RAILPAG » (Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines) Developped in common with DG TREN, WB and EBRD, with the technical support of UIC, CER, EIM and UNIFE. Helps to assess the economical and social effects/advantages of projects and alternative solutions SEM : « Stakeholders/Effects Matrix ». PROJECT APPRAISAL
8 Each project must: Comply with European environmental policies and standards If possible, go beyond EU standards In pre-accession countries, if needed: phased implementation of EU standards Implement an EIA, run according to EU Directive on EIAs and propose satisfactory solutions for the EIB: If necessary, implement a second EIA Implement the « Best Available Technique » (BAT), in accordance with UE- IPPC Directive. In developping countries: meet internationally recognised social and labour safeguard measures, and propose satisfactory solutions for the EIB. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT : EIB principles
9 If deemed appropriate, rail projects can benefit of the CCI under one or several of its instruments: CC Financial facility « CCFF » (500 million €) For projects reducing GHG emissions Where promoters fall under the EU’s ETS (Emission Trading Scheme). CC Technical assistance facility « CCTAF » (10 million €) To identify project’s potential with carbon credits To establish credits’ transaction documentations. Carbon Funds Prefinance the sale of potential credits to be generated by a project 2 funds in progress (with the WB and the EBRD). THE EIB CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVE (CCI)
10 TENs and rail projects are on top of EIB priorities EIB intervention is decisive mainly because of : Its capacities in financial engeneering Its expertise/contribution in the evaluation/definition of projects Its catalyctic effect on other sources of finance. A prerequisite for EIB’s intervention is the demonstration of projects’ added value for: Sustainable development Creation of an European single rail market Strenghtening of rail sector’s competitiveness Improvement of service provided to the customer. CONCLUSIONS