A centre of expertise in digital information management Tools for the Trade? Supporting Multidisciplinary Research Dr Liz Lyon, Director UKOLN JCIE / JCSR Awayday 12 th December, 2002
A centre of expertise in digital information management Research – so what is new? Focus: data intensive Skills (IT+statistics+domain) Disciplines e.g. Astro-informatics Highly distributed Collaborative Virtual communities Knowledge-rich infrastructures More demanding consumers
A centre of expertise in digital information management New resources ……. Physical and remote –Telescope, scanner, computer cycles Informational/bibliographic –Articles, theses, eprints, maps, music scores, scripts, newspapers, programs Primary/original data –Numeric, genomic, 2/3D molecular structures, satellite images, electron micrographs, wave spectra, CAD, code, compositions, VR Human discourse –Chat, discussion fora, , virtual meetings, minutes, workshops, annotations, pers. comm.
A centre of expertise in digital information management ….. used in new ways Spatial change –Federation, aggregation, dis-aggregation, replication, manipulation, linking, annotation, editing/versioning, transformation Knowledge extraction –Analysis (textual, musical, statistical, mathematical, visual, chemical, gene……) –Mining (text, data, structures……) –Modelling (economic, mathematical, biological..) –Presentation (visualisation, rendering….) Distributed collaborative discourse –Discuss, criticise, evaluate, support, agree, disagree, reject…
A centre of expertise in digital information management We need new tools: Off-the-shelf Integrated Personalised Usable Collaborative Generic Intelligent Extensible
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A centre of expertise in digital information management New challenges (1) How can we discover resources across multiple and diverse knowledge environments? How can we implement richer content-based query modes? How can we automate the metadata creation process further? How can we manage the semantic differences between highly specialised domain vocabularies? How can we make visualisation tools as easy to use and as pervasive as Google?
A centre of expertise in digital information management New challenges (2) How can we link original data to derived data and information? How can we facilitate knowledge transfer between research and learning & teaching processes? How can we manage the complexity of these systems? How can we maximise efficiency of these systems? How can we overcome the socio-economic and cultural barriers?
A centre of expertise in digital information management What are the next steps for JCIE / JCSR?