A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: UKOLN Update on Selected Activities Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK MLA Digital Services Meeting, London, July 2008 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0
Content management Institution-facing Repository support
Using Web 2.0 tools to disseminate, discuss and build the community
DRIVER Project: Repository Infrastructure Collaborating with European partners
UKOLN Liz Lyon June Recommendations for JISC Roles, Rights, Responsibilities, Relationships: scientist, institution, data centre, user, funder, publisher Strategy and Policy Report At least 10 Recommendations have been directly implemented by JISC or DCC International impact : Australian National Data Service, Max Planck Institute, Germany Lessons for MLAs? Dealing with Data: One Year On
Context: Advocacy and promoting best practice
Advocacy: workshops, resources, policy Tools e.g. DRAMBORA for auditing a repository, DAFD Data Audit Framework for institutions Infrastructure: Representation Information Registry Repository RRORI Curation in MLAs? UK Digital Curation Centre
Scoping a federated repository infrastructure Automatic term assignment for discovery Open data licence(s) Data validation and QA Quantitative criteria for appraisal Collective intelligence and repository content & services Lessons for MLAs? Scaling Up Report 7 Recommendations May 2008: UKOLN, Univ. Southampton
New EU-funded project on digitisation: outputs will be useful for MLAs Partners: national libraries including British Library, KB UKOLN leading WP on training & skills
A centre of expertise in digital information management Infrastructure development Supporting the Information Environment Promoting resource description, discovery, use and re-use Search technologies paper by Emma Tonkin (for BECTa) Entag Project: relationship between formal classification systems and informal social tagging Terminology registry scoping study RDA, bibliographic standards best practice advice and presentations (Ann Chapman)
Information Environment as a hybrid environment negotiated environment Service-oriented vs resource- oriented 1. Deposit
Tangible demonstrator Integrating content and services Developer and service communities
Promoting description standards Metadata Application Profiles New Co-ordination and Advocacy post just appointed Working with MIMAS, EDINA and TASI New JISC-funded Scoping Study to assess feasibility, validity and functionality of application profiles for research data o Consider disciplinary requirements and data models o Define and validate usage scenarios o Scope a community uptake strategy o Identify key stakeholders and any barriers to adoption.
Workshops For Regional Agencies 1 Day workshop for MLA Yorkshire held in May Workshop for MLA London scheduled for 14 July Other workshops postponed by MLA Regional Agencies (East of England, East Midlands, NW)
Very positive feedback Discussion groups explored potential for Web 2.0, barriers & ways of addressing the barriers
Cultural Heritage area of UKOLN Web site Currently being finalised Launch will provide access to 30+ briefing documents: –Web 2.0 –Blogs –Usability –Collection Description –Metadata –Other areas planned including preservation Demonstrators, tools Workshop info
30+ Briefing Papers Many documents have been tested in UKOLN workshops for MLA
JISC PoWR Workshop JISC PoWR workshop on 27 June: –Oversubscribed! –Meeting of 2 communities –Understanding of need for better communications –Participants covered several case studies –Blog Paper accepted for iPres 2008 conference JISC PoWR is funded by JISC until Sept However materials will have CC licence and learning will be applied to MLA sector
Keynotes: David Porteous, Generation Scotland, John Wilbanks, Science Commons, Martin Lewis, RLUK, Malcolm Atkinson, NeSC Sessions: Sustainability, Privacy issues, collaborative approaches to data sharing Call for Papers: submit now! Developing the curation community
DCC Digital Curation 101 Digital Curation Centre 6-10 October 2008 National eScience Centre, Edinburgh Intensive course Lectures + hands-on Target participants: bench scientists, LIS professionals, computational scientists Survey questionnaire projects_questionnaire/
UK Web Focus Blog Newly short- listed in the Web 2.0 and Business category of the Computer Weekly IT Blog Awards 08
A centre of expertise in digital information management Slides will be available at :