Pesticides Kelsey Perkins
What are pesticides A chemical or biological agent that kills pests. A pest can be an animal, fungi, insect, plant or any unwanted species.
Where are they used? They were originally made for the use of farming
Worst pesticides Aldrin Chlordane DDT Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Mirex Toxaphene
Side effects? The pesticides I mentioned in the last slide have been linked to many different cases of Death Unhealthy newborns Genetic disorders Poor immune and nervous systems Cancer And reproduction problems
Best food to eat (low pesticides) Avoid MOST genetically altered food. They more than likely have been treated with more pesticides than the organics mentioned here • Asparagus • Avocados • Bananas • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Corn (sweet) • Kiwi • Mangos • Onions • Papaya • Pineapples • Peas (sweet)
Worst foods to eat (high pesticides) Apples • Bell Peppers • Celery • Cherries • Imported Grapes • Nectarines • Peaches • Pears • Potatoes • Red Raspberries • Spinach • Strawberries The worst foods to eat, never trust anything that came from another country. They could allow more harmful pesticides.