Hampshires Implementation of e-Government Strategy Andy Holdup E-Government programme manager
This afternoons session The role of the Web in e-government The role of information in e-government The futility of going it alone The importance of being Hampshire (or Fareham or Basingstoke, depending on the circumstances)
Whats it all for?
Reporting a highway defect to the Council Letter QWhich of the following methods would you be most likely to use now/in two years time if you needed to report a highway defect, such as a large pothole, to the Council? Telephone Speak to local Councillor Personal visit to office Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 FutureNow
Attitudes towards new technology Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 I find it easy to use new technology % Agree QTo what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about new technology? There is nothing useful on the Internet that I cant find elsewhere I prefer to stick to more traditional methods of communication I prefer to have somebody who will use a computer for me % Disagree The Internet I only for young people Net +/- Using new technology would make it easier for me to deal with the Council
Visiting Hantsweb % Yes QDo you personally use the internet these days? % No Q Have you ever visited Hantsweb, Hampshire County Councils website, on the internet? % Yes % No Base: All who use the internet (559) Base:956 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Field postal July-September 2002
Accessing information on Hantsweb Base:All who have visited Hantsweb (221) QThinking again about the last time you visited Hantsweb, how easy or difficult was it finding the information you wanted? Neither easy nor difficult Very easy Dont know Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very difficult
Information is good overall Base:All who have visited Hantsweb (221) QOverall, how would you rate the information provided on Hantsweb? Neither good nor poor Very good Dont know Fairly poor Fairly good Very poor (1%)
Accessing services using the Internet Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 Finding out information about local events QIn the future, which of these services, if any, might you consider obtaining electronically (the internet)? Booking an appointment Finding out how to apply for a public service Applying for a service Viewing or contributing to a public meeting Taking part in a public consultation/survey Telling the local Council about something Renewing, changing or querying an existing service you receive Making payments for County Council service
Accessing services using the Digital Television Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 Finding out information about local events QIn the future, which of these services, if any, might you consider obtaining electronically (digital television)? Booking an appointment Finding out how to apply for a public service Applying for a service Viewing or contributing to a public meeting Taking part in a public consultation/survey Telling the local Council about something Renewing, changing or querying an existing service you receive Making payments for County Council service
Accessing services using a Public Information Point Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 Finding out information about local events QIn the future, which of these services, if any, might you consider obtaining electronically (a Public Information Point)? Booking an appointment Finding out how to apply for a public service Applying for a service Viewing or contributing to a public meeting Taking part in a public consultation/survey Telling the local Council about something Renewing, changing or querying an existing service you receive Making payments for County Council service
Would never access services electronically!! Base: 945 Hampshire residents aged 16+. Fieldwork postal April-June 2002 Finding out information about local events QIn the future, which of these services, if any, might you consider obtaining electronically? Booking an appointment Finding out how to apply for a public service Applying for a service Viewing or contributing to a public meeting Taking part in a public consultation/survey Telling the local Council about something Renewing, changing or querying an existing service you receive Making payments for County Council service % would never use
The Web will probably not be peoples first choice for public services for the foreseeable future
Forms and Workflow The Web (Hantsweb, districts, UKOnline, others) Information centres Contact centres Other agencies Access to services Services People
The Web should be seen primarily as a tool to support front line staff – self service is a valuable spin-off
Going it alone How do you make it seamless? How do you afford it? Why would you want to do it?