Terms, abbreviations, acronyms in ELT: ELT : English Language Teaching TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language ESL: English as a Second Language
EAL: English as an Additional Language EAP: English for Academic Purposes TESLA: Teaching English as a Second Language for Adults TEFLA: Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Adults TEAL: Teaching English as Additional Language TEIL: Teaching English as International Language
The People Language learners Teachers Students Trainee Tutor Trainer
The Language *ELT as a Profession - Started in the 1960s. To serve the need to create a specific, wide scale and immediate need for instruction toward proficiency in English language. Includes the teaching of English language as well as the designing, setting, and marking of tests and examinations, the placement of overseas students in institutions in English-speaking countries and the pre-service and in-service training of English language teachers.