UKOLN is supported by: An overview of the OpenURL UKOLN/JIBS OpenURL Meeting London, September 2003 Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath A centre of expertise in digital information management
Contents overview of OpenURL background and functionality examples current and future status issues
Acknowledgements Thanks to Herbert Van der Sompel for the contents of some of the following slides…
Background and functionality
Origins of the OpenURL the context –distributed information environment (JISC IE) –multiple A&I and other discovery services –rapidly growing e-journal collection –need to interlink available resources the problem –links controlled by external info services –links not sensitive to users context (appropriate copy problem) –links dependent on vendor agreements –links dont cover complete collection
The problem the context –distributed information environment –multiple A&I and other discovery services –rapidly growing e-journal collection –need to interlink available resources the REAL problem –libraries have no say in linking –libraries losing core part of organising information task –expensive collection not used optimally –users not well served
The solution… do NOT hardwire a link to a single service on the referenced item (e.g. a link from an A&I service to the corresponding full-text) BUT rather –provide a link that transports metadata about the referenced item –to another service that is better placed to provide service links OpenURL OpenURL resolver (link server)
Non-OpenURL linking link destination resolution of metadata into a link (typically a URL) A&I service document delivery service link source link to referenced work. reference
OpenURL linking link source. user-specific resolution of metadata & identifiers into services reference OpenURL resolver provision of OpenURL link destination link destination link destination link destination transportation of metadata & identifiers context-sensitive A&I service document delivery service
Brief history of the OpenURL ~1998 – nature of solution determined ~1999 – first real experiments (Ghent, LANL, Wiley, SilverPlatter, Ex Libris, arXiv, …) ~2000 – OpenURL 0.1 released, adoption by community, SFX beta released ~2001 – integration of OpenURL and DOI/CrossRef frameworks, first non-SFX resolvers appear proposal to standardise OpenURL framework thru NISO…
Example 1 journal article from Web of Science to ingenta Journals
button indicating OpenURL link is available
OpenURL resolver offering context-sensitive links, including link to ingenta
also links to other services such as Google search for related information
Example 2 book from University of Bath OPAC to Amazon
button indicating OpenURL link is available
OpenURL resolver offering context-sensitive links, including link to Amazon
also links to other services such as Google search for related information
Summary… ISI Web of Science University of Bath OPAC OpenURL resolver ingenta Google Amazon OpenURL Source OpenURL Resolver OpenURL Target
Summary (2) OpenURL source –a service that embeds OpenURLs into its user- interface in order to enable linking to most appropriate copy OpenURL resolver –a service that links to appropriate copy(ies) and other value added services based on metadata in OpenURL OpenURL target –a service that can be linked to from an OpenURL resolver using metadata in OpenURL
Current and future status
OpenURL status in UK OpenURLs currently in use in some form at –Bradford, EDINA, Edinburgh, UEA, Derby, Bath, Bangor, MIMAS, Royal Holloway, Westminster, Swansea, … OpenURL technology available from several vendors –Ex Libris (SFX), Openly Informatics (1Cate), Endeavor (LinkFinderPlus), FD (OL2) open source solutions –ZBLSA
Standardisation all current OpenURL deployment is based on OpenURL version 0.1 NISO currently standardising version 1.0 expect to see gradual transition over next months or so towards greater use of version 1.0 …
NISO OpenURL version 1.0 retains notion of transporting metadata to obtain context-sensitive services more flexible framework (metadata, syntax and transport) version 0.1 limited to bibliograph resources version 1.0 extensible to other communities (e.g. eLearning)
Issues for resolvers selecting OpenURL resolver software –hosted vs. in-house? –same vendor as library system or not? maintaining OpenURL resolver configuration tables (knowledge base) –this is where bulk of your effort is required –ideally need to include details of all physical and electronic holdings –may buy-in some of the information from 3 rd - party supplier (e.g. based on knowledge of subscriptions
Issues for sources remember… youll probably want to make your OPAC an OpenURL source in general, need to maintain knowledge of end-users prefered OpenURL resolver… … but in the case of an institutional OPAC, can probably hardwire the same resolver for everyone?
Issues for targets remember… youll probably want to make your OPAC an OpenURL target need to identify mechanism for deep- linking into target service from OpenURL resolver –e.g. does target support URLs based on ISBNs or ISSNs? need to disclose this mechanism to resolvers (but no standard way to do this yet)