CD10: Young Children with Special Needs Chapter 10: Communication
Chapter Topics Stages of Normal Language Acquisition Factors Influencing Development Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds Assistive Technology Issues and Principles of Intervention
Summary, page 401 “Only when communication is delayed does the complexity of its nature become apparent.” “Delays or growth in one area affect delays or growth in another.” “By 4 years of age … a child has mastered the basics of adult language.” “If remediation is not available … before they reach school age, they may never completely catch up … .”
“No matter what language you are referring to, a child’s ability to use that language develops through a series of characteristic patterns. These forms emerge best when they are developed from a rich base of experiences. A child must experience the world for language to hold any meaning.” (page 379)
Stages of Language Acquisition Pre-language and babbling Language play and development of speech coordination Adults and older children use child-directed speech One-word stage Holophrase: use one word to represent a phrase Fast-mapping: learn new word after one exposure Early word stage Joint referencing to build vocabulary and initiate conversation Noun-verb combinations
Multi-word combinations Simple sentence structure Over generalizations: hide-hided; go-goed; Simple sentence structure Adds linking words such as “is” “and” “the” “A” “or”
Factors Influencing Development Hearing - pg 384 & 390 Conductive loss Hearing screenings Vision - pg 385 & 391 Gesture systems Intelligence - pg 386 Definite link, but hard to measure or determine Memory - pg 386 Language is stored or retrieved inaccurately or incompletely Mental Retardation Pg 387 Learning Disabilities Pg 388 Attention Disabilities Behavior Disorders
Speech Disorders Fluency Articulation Voice disorders Cleft palate or facial abnormalities Cerebral Palsy Substance Abuse Autism ADD/ADHD
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds Hannah, Dionne and Cristy English Immersion Programs ESL Programs Bilingual Teachers Teaching English in Mrs. Lind’s 4th grade
Assistive Technology Assistive Technology: “any item or equipment … that is used to increase ... or maintain functional capabilities.” (pg 396) Alternate communication devices Braille books, TTY telephone, talking computers Augmentative communication Communication device or technique Symbol set or system Sign language Reading lips
Boy reading Braille story book TTY telephone Boy reading Braille story book American Sign Language alphabet puzzle
Communication Intervention Issues Collaboration Child Directive Approaches Naturalistic Environments Principles pg 398 - 400 Use comprehensive assessment results Develop activities that focus on interaction within a social context Make activities purposeful Use natural situations Allow for variability in development
The End