February 22, 2012
Tree Data
Arbor Day 2011 Colonial Oaks Park Peach Tree Planting Red Bug Slough Live Oak planting w/ educational signage Slash pine seedlings provided for students at New Gate Field School
Canopy Road Designations First three canopy roads since 2007 Bard Road Hawthorne Road Wells Avenue
Canopy Road Designations Now 69 canopy roads (22miles) New notification process implemented to include residents in process
Tree Care Certification Explored mandatory educational certification Goals were to: Establish a higher and consistent skill level Build greater uniformity in tree care Establish contact list of tree care professionals No action was taken on a mandatory program, but BOCC supported additional educational efforts
STAC Duties Updated “Duties of the Council” Resolution No PURPOSE AND DUTIES To provide a conduit for citizen input to the Board; To recommend individual street and neighborhood planting projects and priority of projects; To assist the County in updating and revising a consolidated tree list; To assist in the dissemination of public information; To review and recommend revisions to the Sarasota County Code of Ordinances relating to trees for consideration by the Board; To nominate new canopy roads for consideration by the Board; To make such other recommendations to the County as the Council may see fit, consistent with the terms of this resolution; and To carry out other such duties as the Board may require.
Consolidated Tree Ordinance Tree Protection Canopy Road Street Trees The new “Tree” ordinance is a more comprehensive, user friendly tool for our community
Master Tree List Consolidated/revised several County tree lists into one Master Tree List
SCAT Currently working w/ SCAT to identify bus stops where trees can provide shade
Tree Website New improved County tree website coming soon Links to tree related educational materials
Combine STAC/EPTF? STAC’s low membership With new applicants STAC will be at full capacity!!!
2012 Work Plan Promote tree education Shading bus stops Tree planting incentives Business outreach Trees in Parking lots View shed corridors
Master Planning BOCC Threefold Policy Maximize opportunities to replenish tree canopy Maintain Existing Canopy Respect Trees when making infrastructure decisions
Master Planning ENV. Policy focuses on Master Urban Forestry Plan, which includes canopy coverage goals 40% Canopy coverage w/in urban service boundary Never been measured American Forests canopy coverage goals
Master Planning Available resources Urban Forestry Strategic Plan Urban Ecosystem Analysis 2004 Native Habitat Land Cover Map Street Tree Planting and Maintenance Guide Grant/Funding Sources
Shirley Cook 10 years of service Since
Betsy Roberts 10.5 years of service Since
STAC Sunset Extension Resolution to extend from to Master Planning Direction to proceed with identifying key elements and funding sources STAC Membership Considerations of applications for membership