freedom by design OL 2 Stephanie Taylor Project Manager
freedom by design Changing reality Forthcoming article in USA… Over 100,000 document delivery ILL requests / year, but on consistent decrease due to e-docs being directly available to researchers...
freedom by design What OpenURL brings us Move metadata via URL from one system to another Opens many doors for system interaction
freedom by design New options Link from citation to resource Link from citation to external resolver Known citation linking Link from citation to local OPACs Extended services
freedom by design Citation to resource Journal title Journal issue Article abstract Article full text HTML PDF Word Document o etc.
freedom by design Citation to resource FD co-operative agreements: o JSTOR o EBSCO o Emerald o Catchword / Ingenta Select o CrossRef (for DOI lookup) o Over 120 aggregators / publishers
freedom by design LinkBuilder A known citation seeking function It lets users who have a list of references/citations to enter specific details q It then resolves the metadata and provides appropriate links to full text
freedom by design Link to local OPAC o Endeavor Voyager o epixtech o ExLibris Aleph o Innopac o Sirsi Unicorn
freedom by design Link to local OPAC o Monograph holdings o Serial Holdings o Local or consortia OPACs
freedom by design Extended Services Other uses for metadata: o Extended searching, e.g. author, subject o Search to different target o Create ILL requests Not part of OpenURL, but a side effect
freedom by design (dirty little secret) Not all reference linking uses OpenURL OpenURL mostly from source to link resolver Many links to full-text targets must be constructed following each publishers or aggregators proprietary URL format
freedom by design What does it do? For Library Users – connects library users to resources effectively For Library Staff – helps manage resources efficiently helps manage user access effusively (!)
freedom by design Library user perspective Portal technologies let me search the wide world of information OpenURL technologies let me see what is available to me in my own world
freedom by design The search result contains metadata - Journal title: Journal of management studies ISSN: Date/volume and issue data: Jul2002/Vol39/Issue 5 Pagination: p.619 The user must be logged to use OL 2, so they see their own options. They run a search… The OL 2 Resolver asks the following questions: 1. Can I match on ISSN? 2. What services are available to this user? 3. How will I build the URL to go to each available service? If the questions are answered successfully, the links are built and displayed to the user… The user clicks on the link and it is opens in another browser window… How does it work for users?
freedom by design Library staff perspective Portal technologies let me make resources available to users OpenURL technologies let me make sure users locate resources that are useful and accessable to them I can give a personalised service that is a realistic option within my work schedule
freedom by design Maximize use of resources, e.g.: E-journals Own OPAC Consortial agreements Call on other services for a smooth workflow, e.g.: ILL request form Online bookstore Pay-per-view articles The user must be authenticated to use OL 2. So when they run a search, they are searching relevant to them… The OL 2 Resolver asks the following questions: 1. Can I match on ISSN? 2. What services are available to this user? 3. How will I build the URL to go to each available service? All set up by library staff, for enlightened control… If the questions are answered successfully, the links are built and displayed to the user… Ease of use – just click to access… How does it work for staff?
freedom by design Management issues Data management Local e-journal subscriptions Aggregator / publishers New NISO committee Authorization control Appropriate link Legal link
freedom by design Staff Management Interface 1.Items e-journal subscriptions, OPACs, etc. 2.Services Aggregator / publishers Type of access, e.g. TOC, abstract, full text PDF, full text HTML 3.Accounts Authorization control
freedom by design Holistic solutions OL2 is not an isolated solution It is an important channel of communication, but needs to operate with other channels to be effective: o Portal technologies o Interlending/Document Delivery technologies o Library/Information Management systems From discovery to delivery…
freedom by design XML Meta-data Search profiles and Collections Search Engines http Public User OPAC Full- text services A&I services local or web Other resources Z39.50 Link to non- searchable resources Connecting the pieces
freedom by design Stephanie Taylor Web Site: Thank You!