SORCER Coordinators meeting. October 22, 2012. SORCER Stimulating Obtaining Results in Communities in relation to Energy- efficiency and Renewables Integrated.


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Presentation transcript:

SORCER Coordinators meeting. October 22, 2012

SORCER Stimulating Obtaining Results in Communities in relation to Energy- efficiency and Renewables Integrated Project Call FP TREN-4 CONCERTO II Contract nr: TREN/07/FP6EN/S / SORCER

SORCER consortium WV Univ. Wroclav AM Wonen Util. Hillerød Skoroszyce Rotij Mun. Apeldoorn COWI IVAM Plovdiv HREN Essent KEMA Weiss Mun. Hillerød DTU

Partner list (1) Particip ant. Role* Participa nt. Number Participant nameParticipant short name Country CO 1 KEMA Nederland B.V.KEMANL CR2 Waterschap VeluweWVNL CR3 Essent Warmte B.V.EssentNL CR4 Gemeente ApeldoornMun. Apeldoorn NL CR5 IVAM UvA B.V.IVAMNL CR6 Rotij Projecten B.V.RotijNL CR7 AM Wonen B.V.AMNL CR8 S.C. HREN Practic S.R.L.HRENRO

Partner list (2) CR9 Urzad Gminy SkoroszyceSkoroscycePL CR10 University of WroclavUWroclavPL CR11 Municipality of PlovdivPlovdivBU CR12 COWI A/SCOWIDK CR13 Municipality of HillerødMun.HillerødDK CR14 Hillerød Public UtilityUtil.HillerødDK CR15 Weiss A/SWeissDK CR16 Technical University of Denmark DTUDK

Consortium, geographic distribution

Sorcer content Apeldoorn Sewage digester, with poultry sludge (1.5 MWe) District heating Zuidbroek (2500 dwellings) EPC (shell based) of GJ/dwelling*year additional energy saving (e.g. 400 Wp PV/dwelling) Woodchips peak boiler Hillerød Low temperature district heating Solar collectors 6000 m2 Class 1 Ecobuildings (-50%) m2 Class 2 Ecobuildings (-25%) Biomass gasifier Renovated buildings PV

Apeldoorn Zuidbroek

Zuidbroek energy system +PV + Energy efficient dwellings

Zuidbroek 66 months highlights About 950 dwellings delivered Biogas CHP complete PV: about 44 kWp done on dwellings, 70 kWp on company buildings, 220 kWp on refurbished buildings, agreement on 68 kWp for housing corporations Monitoring gives valuable results both for dwellings as for district heating system 2.8 MW woodchips boiler in operation since september 2012

Dwelling monitoring results Average consumption is close to predicted (49 kWh/m2) No significant difference between small and large dwellings Large spread (about factor of 5)

Apeldoorn Zuidbroek energy system


Hillerød energy system

Hillerød 66 months highlights 3800 m2 solar thermal field complete Biomass boiler finished and in operation Class 1 buildings completed New buildings added to WP8. These include town hall, city college, office administration building, conference centre, dormitory 1500 m2 of low energy class 2 buildings reporting measurements PV plants on Town Hall, Klaverfabrikken, Hillerød Varme head quarter completed Gasifier being tested Control of low temperature district heating nearly implemented

Some impressions

Yet to do Complete PV plans in Zuidbroek and Hillerød Complete refurbishment activities in Hillerød Monitoring district heating system End date April 30, 2013

Progress summary