Air Force Space Command Guardians of the High Frontier I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Training UNCLASSIFIED
Sexual Assault and Wingman Goals Air Force men and women will understand the important role wingmen play in preventing rape AF men and women will intervene to prevent sexual assault “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” - Edmund Burke
Responsible Choices Things you can do to prevent sexual assaults –Approach sexual assault as every Airman’s issue –Practice responsible use of alcohol Irresponsible drinking is a factor in over 80% of sexual assaults Alcohol is the most commonly used drug to facilitate sexual assault –Challenge verbal, physical and sexual inappropriateness that can contribute to a climate that allows for sexual assault –Don’t stand by when you observe warning signs of potential sexual assault It is your responsibility to get involved and encourage others to get involved to protect your fellow Airmen
Responsible Choices Things you can do to prevent sexual assaults (continued) –If a wingman is abusive to someone, get involved –Question your own attitudes –Listen empathically and ask if you can help –Support sexual assault prevention –Don't fund sexism- i.e. pornography, etc –Mentor young Airmen and other young people –Ask the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) for help