1 NATIONAL CONFERENCE on AGRICULTURE KHARIF CAMPAIGN : th & 7 th April, 2011 Assam’s Perspectives..
2 ASSAM AGRICULTURE – General Profile Land Use : Net Cropped Area27.53 lakh hectare (35 p.c. of Geographical Area) Gross Cropped Area38.39 lakh hectare Cropping Intensity139% (139% at National Level) Area covered by Horticultural Crops5.65 lakh hectares (14.7% of Gross Cropped Area) Rice area covered by HYV63% of total Rice area. Area under Hybrid Rice0.47 lakh hectare Status of farmers : To farm families27.50 lakh No. of Small & Marginal farm families23.44 lakh (85.25% of total holdings) (81% at National Level) Per capita land holding1.11 hectare (Small & Marginal Farmers : 0.63 hectare)
3 ASSAM AGRICULTURE – General Profile Irrigation & Mechanization : Area under assured / utilisable irrigation5.59 lakh hectare (20.3% of Net Cropped Area) (National Level : Potential created in 77% of Net Cropped Area) Availability of Farm Power0.70 HP per hectare (1.20 HP at National Level) Integrated Nutrient Management : Consumption of chemical fertiliser63.2 Kg. per hectare (129 Kg. at National Level) Average consumption of bio-fertilisers50 gm. Per hectare Area under application of Micronutrients3% of Net Cropped Area Consumption of bio-fertilisers50 gm. Per hectare Consumption of Organic Manure73 Kg. per hectare Consumption of Green Manure111 Kg. per hectare Integrated Pest Management : Consumption of Chemical Pesticides39 gm. per hectare Consumption of Bio-Pesticides6 gm. Per hectare
4 ASSAM AGRICULTURE – General Profile Agricultural Credit : KCC issued7.53 lakh Small & Marginal farmers covered6.25 lakh Amount disbursed as loanRs crore Valid KCCs4.00 lakh (approx) (14.5% of total potential) Agricultural Insurance : Farmers covered1.92 lakh Crop area covered1.44 lakh hectare Sum insuredRs crore Premium received Rs crore Claims entertained Rs crore Farmers benefited0.35 lakh
5 CROP PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY Sl. No. CropProduction (lakh MT)Productivity (Kg. per hectare) Rice Pulses Foodgrains Oilseeds Jute Sugarcane Fruits Spices Vegetables Tubers Total Agri-Horti Trend of Production & Productivity of crops during 11 th Plan Period
6 Sl. No.CropAnnual Growth ProductionProductivity 1Rice15.2%11.2% 2Pulses2.3%1.5% 3Foodgrains14.6%10.1% 4Oilseeds0.3%0.5% 5Jute4.2%-0.2% 6Sugarcane4.0%1.3% 7Fruits5.4%0.9% 8Spices3.8%0.5% 9Vegetables4.2%1.5% 10Tubers7.1%2.4% Total Agri-Horti Crops7.9%4.1% Annual Exponential Growth of Production & Productivity during 11 th Plan Period ( to ) CROP PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY
7 New Records Set in Earlier Record Increase over previous record 1. Rice : Production (lakh MT)40.70 ( )44.088% Productivity (Kg. per hectare)1638 ( )17658% 2. Horticultural Crops : Production (lakh MT)63.53 ( )66.945% Productivity (Kg. per hectare)11743 ( )118481% 3. Total Agri-Horti Crops : Production (lakh MT) ( ) % Productivity (Kg. per hectare)3365 ( )34272%
11 WEATHER SCENARIO DURING RABI, Monthwise rainfall MonthRainfall (in mm)Departure from Normal Status ActualNormal October, %Deficient November, %Deficient December, %Deficient January, %Deficient February, %Deficient March, %Normal Total during Rabi, : %Deficient
12 RABI CROP ASSESSMENT Area, Production & Productivity of Rabi Crops CropArea (lakh hectare) Production (lakh MT) Productivity (Kg. per hectare) * * * Summer Rice Wheat Rabi Maize Rabi Pulses Rabi Foodgrains Rabi Oilseeds Rabi Vegetables * Anticipated
13 KHARIF CROP PROSPECT Area, Production & Productivity of Kharif Crops CropArea (lakh hectare) Production (lakh MT) Productivity (Kg. per hectare) 2009*2010** *2010** *2010**2011 Autumn Rice Winter Rice Kharif Rice Maize Pulses Kharif Foodgrains Jute Sugarcane Oilseeds Vegetables * Anticipated ** Target
14 Crop (Pre Mission) Growth after 3 years of Mission Kharif RiceProduction % Productivity % Rabi Rice (Boro /Summer) Production % Productivity % Total RiceProduction % Productivity % NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Rice) Impact on Production & Productivity in NFSM districts (Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per ha.)
15 Comparative study of productivity Of Horticultural Crops (Kg. per hectare) CropAssam, National Average, Fruits Vegetables Spices HORTICULTURE TECHNOLOGY MISSION Impact on Production & Productivity of Horticultural Crops (Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per ha.) Crop (Pre Mission) Growth after 9 years of Mission FruitsProduction % Productivity % VegetablesProduction % Productivity % SpicesProduction % Productivity %
16 ISSUES of CONCERN Low Productivity : Rice is the major foodgrain crop. Highest Rice productivity ( ) i.e Kg. per hectare as compared to national average of 2130 Kg. per hectare. Very small & fragmented land holding : More than 85% farmers are Small & Marginal against national average of 81%. Average land holding : 1.11 hectare against national average of 1.33 hectare. Average land holding of Small & Marginal farmers : 0.63 hectare. Seed Certification : Seed Certification Agency (ASSCA) virtually defunct. Net crop area under assured irrigation : 20%. Consumption of fertiliser : 63.2 Kg. per hectare against 129 Kg. per hectare.
17 Negligible usages of Micronutrients : Applied in only in 3% of Net Cropped Area. Availability of Farm Power : 0.70 HP per hectare against national average of 1.20 HP per hectare. Weak marketing infrastructure (Villages connected with metalled Road) : 35% Low credit flow : More than 85% farm families are deprived of agricultural credit through KCCs. Procurement : High moisture content of Paddy makes it unfit for procurement by FCI / State Agencies. ISSUES of CONCERN
18 Seed : Subsidy on seeds - very low at present. Non-availability of genuine planting materials within easy reach of farmers Fertiliser : Shortage of fertilisers during peak period. Sufficient railway rakes should be arranged to carry fertilizers to North Eastern Region on priority. The dealers margin should be increased to encourage pre-positioning of the stocks or alternatively the States should be allowed to fix differential rates for sale of fertilisers after adjudging the actual cost incurred by the dealers. The rate of transportation of fertilizer by road from rake point to dealers Godown requires revision immediately because the present rate of Rs per ton per Km for the state of Assam is causing huge loss in transportation. Local manufacturer of SSP fertiliser should be encouraged. ISSUES for INTERVENTION by GOI
19 Irrigation : Due to poor condition of 85% Small & Marginal farmers, they are not able to pay farmers share for installation of pump sets. Credit : Banks are reluctant. Only 15% farmers have been provided KCCs. Fodder : No tradition to cultivate fodder crops. An appropriate scheme is required to encourage fodder cultivation. ISSUES for INTERVENTION by GOI
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