R Brown-Bag Seminar 2: Hands-on Antony Karanja Ndungu Research Methods Group-ICRAF
STUDIO R downloaded and installed? R Studio / /
Getting started to Working with R Get Started to R – R downloaded and installed? ( ) – R Studio ( ) R language – Object oriented programming. - No desk menu! (Rmcdr) Assign objects to manipulations. Nature of Data Objects Data frames, vectors, matrices, lists (maps, data, etc)
Getting started to Working with R Operations on data objects Base and libraries- functions/commands Scripting in R (Setwd, getwd()) Working with R - Loading data (Data objects); libraries (foreign - Working with really data. Loading/ recalling data - Data validation and cleaning - Data management (sub setting, collapse, merging, appending, Reshaping etc.
Hands-on R!
Statistics using R Tabulations and Summaries Plotting simple graphs (Box plots, histograms, plots of tabular data)