Nixon’s America
The 1968 Election Nixon squeaked by Humphrey & Wallace, vowed to represent Middle America and the Silent Majority
New Federalism Believed US had tired of LBJ’s Great Society However, also believed the Govn’t could fix social ills if it gave more power to the states to use locally Revenue Sharing
Expanding Government Power Occupational Safety & Health Admin (OSHA) regulated the workplace EPA created Clean Air Act DEA created Medicare grew
Problems From LBJ’s Economy Cost of Vietnam & Gt. Society came due for Nixon to pay back Inflation & recession coupled to create Stagflation Foreign competition further hurts economy
The Oil Crisis - OPEC Yom Kippur War causes Arabs to ban together to create OPEC Embargo oil sales to Israel’s allies Oil jumps 400% Lines at gas pump
A Flawed Nixon Response Aug, 1971, places 90 day price freeze on wages and prices Price controls cause economic tailspin through mid-1970’s iCue Energy Crisis of 1973
Why did this Happen? Govn’t Interference Uh oh, economics… High prices signal business to produce more out of self interest Price & Wage controls make it not worth the time for business to produce and ship more Causes shortages for the consumer (more gas lines)
Massive Social Upheaval Roe v. Wade Burger Court rules for abortions Highly controversial, still hotly debated iCue 30 Years After Roe v Wade
Nixon’s Impact on Politics and Society Southern Strategy Target white southerners & blue- collar workers, both traditional Dems. Plan to control national politics for years to come for Repub Party
Southern Strategy Go for the “Dixiecrats”- Democrats against civil rights. South Historically pro Democrat First President since Truman to openly go against Civil Rights Tried to weaken Civil Rights Act Against forced busing.
Civil Rights Under Nixon, A Mixed Bag Supreme Court mandates busing to integrate schools Nixon speaks out, issues moratorium VERY popular move all over US
The Philadelphia Plan Required labor unions & Fed. Contractors to hire minorities First form of affirmative action Wants to ensure equal opportunity
Nixon Triumphant Nixon’s 1972 Election Peace in Vietnam, Men on the moon, represents the common man, strong on crime, middle way on civil rights, popular over China & USSR, Environment... LANDSLIDE VICTORY iCue Nixon Bio