Welcome to Understanding Collaboration foundationcenter.org lapiana.org Developed and presented by
Choosing Collaboration
Mission comes first. Finances follow.
Economic pressure Caution Competitors Ahead Merge Here Merge Here Funding Shortage 2 miles Funding Shortage 2 miles
Leadership Transition
Stronger Place in Your Field
What are the biggest barriers to successful collaboration? Lack of trust Autonomy concerns Self-interest Organizational culture
Getting Started
The Partnership Matrix Greater Autonomy Greater Integration Program Administration Administrative Consolidation Joint Programming Single focus or program Multi-focus or program Integrated system Contracting for services Exchanging services Sharing services Information sharing Program coordination Joint planning Collaboration Management Services Organization Parent/Subsidiary Corporation Corporate Merger/ Acquisition Joint Venture Corporation © 2011 La Piana Consulting
Chattanooga Museums Case Study: Administrative Consolidation
Ready Set Parent! Case Study: Joint Programming
Crittenton Women’s Union Case Study: Merger
Decision Tree We seek the following ends: We hope to achieve specific, significant, but limited programmatic ends. We wish to remain an independent organization and to achieve these ends by working within existing organizations. Consider joint programming Or if… We hope to reduce administrative costs and increase administrative efficiency. We wish to remain an independent organization and to achieve these ends by working within existing organizations. Consider administrative consolidation If we seek even greater integration… We wish to increase our administrative efficiency on a large scale by creating a separate business that can provide services to multiple organizations. Consider creating a management service organization Or if… We wish to achieve specific and significant programmatic ends by creating a separate entity to fulfill a programmatic purpose. Consider creating a joint venture corporation If we seek even greater integration… We hope to achieve synergistic gains in our ability to achieve our mission by integrating our organizations and our corporate structures. Consider a parent/subsidiary structure or a merger © 2011 La Piana Consulting
Look inward.
Find a partner.
Prepare for negotiations or design.
Corporation B Board of Directors Due Diligence Determine potential problem Disclose information Analyze Negotiations Committee Integration Identify Issues Negotiate financial and legal issues Record agreements Communicate progress to constituents Decision Process Corporation B Board of Directors Corporation A Board of Directors Corporation A Board of Directors Joint Legal Counsel The Negotiations Process © 2011 La Piana Consulting
Four ways to search: Map Search Basic Search Detailed Search Keyword Search Nonprofit Collaboration Database
Map Search Click on a name to see a summary and a link to its narrative submitted for the Collaboration Prize. Click on a circle to bring up a list of collaborations based in that city.
Collaboration Summary Read the collaboration’s full narrative via this link. Click here to get a contact name and address for this collaboration.
Collaboration Narrative Full multipage narrative descriptions of the collaborations are available as PDF documents or as web pages.
Basic Search Click on a category to browse collaborations. Click on a name to see a summary and a link to its narrative description. To sort results, click on column headers.
Detailed Search Expand or collapse all categories with Open/Close Search Options, or Expand or collapse selected categories by clicking on + or – signs. Under each category, choose one or more criteria. Click on Submit to view collaboration results.
Keyword Search Keywords can appear in your initial search results. Keywords and phrases can also appear in the collaboration narratives.
Understanding Trust Reliability Openness Integrity CompetenceBenevolence © Mishra, Tschannen-Moran, and Hoy, 1996
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