American Political Culture: What is the role of government? Americans can agree that government is necessary: – So what is the real question? How much government is necessary? Republicans – Limited government » Government needs to stick to what Constitution says Democrats – Expanded government » Government needs to do what is necessary to help
Republican Party Belief Role of Government Society – Government should not intervene much, if at all Belief in rugged individualism – Do for yourself! Economic – Government should not intervene with economy Called laissez-faire capitalism – Capitalist economy where government does not interact if things go wrong.
Democratic Party Belief Role of Government Society – Government has obligation to protect social equality Why? – Society won’t do it themselves Economics – Government must intervene if economy goes bad Why? – So citizens in society do not suffer long term
So what do Republicans and Democrats agree on? Not much… – However, in terms of role of government: Both parties agree that there are 3 essentials that government must promote: – Liberty » Allow all citizens to have high level of freedom – Equality (AKA equality of opportunity) » All people should have the freedom to use their talents to make a good life And be treated equally in society – Democracy » Power of government rests in hands of the people Called popular sovereignty
Does America promote these principles? Liberty? – Is everyone free to live life they want? The poor? The handicap? The uneducated? Equality? – Has there always been political equality in America? Do all citizens have equal opportunity to participate in politics? – Is there political equality today? – Citizens under 18? – Homeless? – Military? – Elderly? Democracy? – If only around ½ of the citizens vote, is that a functioning democracy?