What are Intelligent Transportation Systems? Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are existing and new technologies, including information processing, sensors, communications, control, and electronics, combined in innovative ways, integrated into the management of our multimodal transportation system aimed at saving lives, time, and resources. Transportation is the backbone of our society—the movement of people and goods provides the foundation of our quality of life and economic prosperity. Fulfilling the need for a transportation system that is both economically sound and environmentally efficient requires a new way of looking at—and solving—our transportation problems. The strategy of adding more and more highway capacity neither solves our transportation problems, nor meets the broad national vision of an efficient, integrated transportation system. We focus on the integration and improvement of all modes— highway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian and freight. Traffic crashes and congestion take heavy tolls in lives, lost productivity, and wasted energy. ITS enables people and goods to move more safely and efficiently through a state- of-the-art, intermodal transportation system. PORTAL Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science About Our Lab The Portland State University Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab has been developed in partnership with Oregon’s transportation agencies and industry— including the Oregon Department of Transportation, the City of Portland, TriMet, Metro and the Port of Portland. This laboratory studies how Intelligent Transportation Systems can improve transportation Our Research Team The Portland State University Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab employs undergraduate and graduate students from civil and environmental engineering, urban and regional and planning and computer science (other majors are welcome). Undergraduate research assistants receive hourly salaries, while graduate research assistants receive monthly stipends and full tuition remission. Students also regularly receive scholarships and fellowships, present their work at regional, national and international conferences and symposia, and are frequently co-authors on peer- reviewed journal and conference publications. We are developing new international student exchange programs, and are grateful for our excellent student team. efficiency and safety throughout the Portland metropolitan region, the state of Oregon and throughout the nation. We partner with local, regional, national and international collaborators on a variety of innovative projects.
The PSU Advantage Portland, Oregon, is at the forefront of collaborative urban transportation solutions with links to land use, and is one of America’s most livable cities. Transportation education and research at Portland State University are multidisciplinary and focus on transportation systems, infrastructure, policy, and planning. Our faculty cover all modes of transport, and the relationships and interactions of transportation systems with land use, the economy, the environment, institutions, and people. Recent research topics includes: transit operations; the relationships among urban form, travel behavior, and health; intelligent transportation systems; health and safety issues; and transportation finance. Contacts INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS LAB Portland State University Robert L. Bertini, Ph.D., P.E., Director Christopher M. Monsere, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant Director STREET ADDRESS Northwest Center for Engineering, Science and Technology 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 315 Portland, Oregon MAILING ADDRESS Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon Portland State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. Printed on recycled paper 2/06. Using Archived Data to Measure Operational Benefits of ITS Investments (Oregon Department of Transportation and TransNow) Empirical Comparison of German and U.S. Traffic Sensor Data and Impact on Driver Assistance Systems (BMW Group) Frontier Evaluation of Video Recognition Travel Time System (ODOT) Great Cities Prototype for Advanced Public Transit Systems in Multimodal Corridors (Federal Transit Administration) Measuring the Impacts of Speed Reduction Technologies on Highway Safety (ODOT) Update and Enhancement of Oregon’s Crash Reduction Factors (ODOT) Development of Custom Data Collection Software for Palm-Based Handheld Computers (PSU) Changes in Travel Behavior/Demand Associated with Managed-Lanes Facility System Expansion (NCHRP) Transit Buses as Traffic Probes for Arterial Performance Measurement (PSU) Using Existing ITS Commercial Vehicle Operation (ITS/CVO) Data to Develop Truck Travel Time Estimates and Other Freight Measures (ODOT) Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership: Research and Evaluation (City of Portland) Sample Projects Mining Archived Intelligent Transportation Systems Data: A Validation Framework for Improved Performance Assessment and Modeling (National Science Foundation)