Project Review Questions Ops Review Project Facilitation Process Excellence
Project Charter (Define) Questions What is the expected business impact? What is the business impact to date? What is the problem and where is it focused? Has this been worked on before and how are you leveraging that effort? What are the boundaries of the process? Who is on the team and who is sponsoring the effort? How effective is the team and the facilitator (Black Belt)? What are the important lessons learned (both good and bad)? What actions were taken to correct for any issues uncovered? What barriers to success exist? OPS REVIEW
Project Plan (Define) Questions What has been completed since the last review? What are the necessary deliverables from the Measure Phase and have they been completed? Have Performance Reports been used to communicate with the rest of the business? Is a Visual Workplace established and current? How detailed is the plan going forward? OPS REVIEW
Voice of the Customer (Define) Did you use a cross-functional team to interview the customers? How many customers did you interview? What market segments? How were the customers selected? Have you used the KJ process to sort and organize and rank their inputs into the most significant customer desires, needs and expectations? Have you examined latent customer expectations? Have you used QFD to translate significant customer desires, needs and expectations into functional product requirements? Have you incorporated the significant customer requirements into rating criteria in the Pugh Concept selection matrix? Have you used the Pugh Matrix Process to evaluate and select the most promising design concept(s) that will meet or exceed customer expectations? OPS REVIEW
Process Map (Measure) Questions Who helped develop the map and what organizations do they represent? Does it reflect current state or the desired process? Are all non value-added steps included? What quick-hits did you find from this effort? What process steps does the team feel can be eliminated or combined to reduce opportunities for scrap and increase rate? What characterizes an Uncontrolled and a Controlled variable? How do we measure the product for defects within the process? PAPERWORKTURN STEAM ON TO DICY TANK LOAD DMFLOAD DICYLOAD 2MI BILL OF MATERIALS ISO PROCEDURES REWORK SCALE ACCURACY PREHEATING LOAD ACCURACY CLEANLINESS RAW MATERIAL LOAD ACCURACY ENVIRONMENT (HUMIDITY) RAW MATERIAL MIXER SPEED LOAD ACCURACY ENVIRONMENT (HUMIDITY) RAW MATERIAL MIXER SPEED GET PORTABLECLEAN IF NECESSARY LOAD SOLVENT TO PORTABLE LOAD DRUM STOCK TO PORTABLE 2 PROPER SIZE REWORK CLEANLINESS CROSS CONTAMINATION LOAD ACCURACY ENVIRONMENT RAW MATERIAL LOAD ACCURACY ENVIRONMENT RAW MATERIAL MIXER SPEED LOAD BULK MATERIAL TO PORTABLE 2 PUMP DICY SOLUTION TO PORTABLE DIGESTSTAGEBATCH TO TREATER LOAD ACCURACY ENVIRONMENT RAW MATERIAL MIXER SPEED PUMP RATE MIXER SPEED FILTERING TEMPERATURE COMPLETE SOLUTION TIME MIX SPEED VENTING ENVIRONMENT TIME MIX SPEED VENTING ENVIRONMENT COMPOUNDING INPUTS Techniques Procedures Raw Materials Rework Equipment Environment Cleanliness Dicy Solution Temp OUTPUTS Reactivity (Gel) Viscosity Cleanliness Color Homogeneity Consistency Batch to Batch Digestion Time Temperature OPS REVIEW
Process Map (Measure) Questions to Ask Who was on your team? How were the Customer Requirements identified? What does the team feel are the most important Uncontrolled KPIVs in the process? Does this map reflect the current process or the one we want? Where are the rework loops identified? What are the non-value added processes? Where are the measurement points in the process? What does your Control Plan include at this time? How many KPIVs did you identify per step (on average)? What is the team going to do next? OPS REVIEW
Cause and Effect Matrix (Measure) Questions Who provided inputs to the Customer Requirements for this matrix? What groups determined the relationship ratings for the Inputs and Outputs? What method was used to determine the final relationship score? What actions are being taken on the top ranked Input Variables? Are there any quick hits that can be assigned to lower ranking Input Variables? Do the current Control Plans reflect the need to monitor these top KPIVs? OPS REVIEW
Cause &Effect Matrix (Measure) Questions to Ask Who was on your team? Who determined the Customer Requirements weighting? Did you use the C&E Matrix to prioritize Process Steps to address first? How did the team determine the correlation values? Does the prioritization make sense? How many Uncontrolled Variables rated highly in the sorted matrix? How did the team determine the cut-off for variables to investigate further? Did your team include internal customer requirements? What are your next steps? OPS REVIEW
Measurement Systems Analysis (Measure) Questions What are the major sources of measurement error? How much measurement error exists in comparison to the process variation? In comparison to the customer requirements? Is the measurement system acceptable for the process improvement efforts? If not, what actions do you suggest? How were the samples chosen? Was the team sensitive to sub- grouping for sample selection? OPS REVIEW Gage R&R SourceVarCompStdDev5.15*Sigma Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Part-To-Part Total Variation Source%Contribution%Study Var%Tolerance Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Part-To-Part Total Variation Number of Distinct Categories = 5
Measurement Systems Analysis (Measure) Questions to Ask Who performed the MSA? What are the %P/T and %R&R values? What was the main source of measurement error? What actions are necessary for improvement, and what impact will they have? How were the samples selected for the MSA? What is the measurement system acceptable for use in assessing - Process Shift or Acceptance to Specification? What variable(s) have you completed MSA on - KPOVs or KPIVs? What effect will this measurement system have on Capability assessments, Multi-vari studies, and DOEs? How is the measurement capability going to be monitored into the future? OPS REVIEW
Baseline (Initial) Process Capability (Measure) Questions What variables were evaluated? Are they stable? Are there explanations for out of control points? How long was the process monitored to determine stability? What are the largest types of variation over time - shift to shift, week to week, etc.? 0.00% Fiscal Week OPS REVIEW Registration Scrap 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00%
Failure Modes Effect Analysis (Analyze) Questions Who helped develop the FMEA and what organizations do they represent? Does the tool reflect current state or the desired process? What quick-hits did you find from this effort? What type of ranking system did you use ? Did you complete the actions recommended section of the tool? OPS REVIEW
Failure Modes Effect Analysis (Analyze) Questions to Ask Who was on your team? How were the Severity, Occurrence and Detection values determined by the team? What was the source of the rating scales for Severity, Occurrence and Detection? What are the top KPIVs? What actions are being taken and by whom? What barriers exist to completion of the top ranked items? Are there any ‘quick fixes’ to be completed? Were Safety items included? How did the team decide what items to investigate further? How did the actions affect the process performance? OPS REVIEW
Design of Experiments (Improve) What significant factors and interactions exist? How many full factorial designs were completed and why? What methods have been utilized to optimize the process? What actions have been taken to verify the results of the experimentation? How have the results been used to impact the design and control plan? What is the underlying model / equation that relates the KPIVs to the KPOV(s)? What next steps should be taken? OPS REVIEW
Design of Experiments Proposal / Report (Improve) Questions - Plan Who developed and reviewed the DOE plan? Who approved it? What strategy was used in determining the scope of the experiments? How were experimental factors and levels selected? Data? Questions - Report/Results What was concluded from the experiments? What are the recommended changes based on the studies? What analysis techniques were used to determine significant terms? What percentage of the error is described by the statistically significant terms? How will the results be validated? OPS REVIEW
Design of Experiments Statistical Analysis (Improve) Questions What proportion of the process variation is accounted for by the model? How large are they in comparison to current levels? What interactions, if any, are important? How will you control interaction terms? What changes are recommended based on the results? What is the predicted level of the response based on the model from the DOE? Fractional Factorial Fit Estimated Effects and Coefficients for Thicknes Term Effect Coef StDev Coef T P Constant AirPress Visc Solvent AirPress*Visc AirPress*Solvent Visc*Solvent Analysis of Variance for Thicknes Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P Main Effects Way Interactions Residual Error Total OPS REVIEW
Designed Experiments (Improve) Who was on your team and what were their roles? How did you select the factors (KPIVs) to include? How were the levels for each factor determined? Did you complete a screening DOE? How did you determine the sample size requirements for each experimental run? What risk levels did you assume when you designed your experiment? What did you learn from your Pilot Run? How much variation in the response (KPOV) was due to the factors (KPIVs) you investigated? What actions would you recommend based on the experimental results? How much of your experimental budget did you consume with each experiment? OPS REVIEW
Final Capability Summary (Control) Questions What are the long and short term process capability values? How does this compare to the customer’s perspective of performance? Is there a significant opportunity to improve beyond current levels (i.e., how large is the gap between C p and P pk )? What are the definitions of defects and opportunities? Are the capabilities established for KPIVs and KPOVs from the C&E? OPS REVIEW
Final Capability Summary (Control) Questions to Ask What variables have you conducted capability studies on? What is the expected Short Term and Long Term performance of that variable? What are the suspected contributing factors to the variation in the process? How does the measurement system performance impact the process capability? What should the goals for the process capability (Cp / Cpk) be based on the baseline data? Over what time frame were the data taken? How many data points / sub-groups were used to determine the process capability? Was the data normally distributed? How do we handle non-normal data? OPS REVIEW
Control Plan Summary (Control) Questions What control methods are in place for KPIVs and KPOVs rated ‘high’ in the C&E matrix? Is SPC utilized for critical customer requirements? Are the measurement systems adequate for critical variables? Has training occurred for these control points? OPS REVIEW