Challenges Facing Today’s Children Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families 2012 Annual Conference Isabel V. Sawhill October 10, 2012
1 Today’s Children Face Unprecedented Challenges Nuclear proliferation and a global war on terror Global warming Fragmented families A mountain of debt The need to care for an aging population Source: “Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Watterson
2 A comparison of children in the U.S. with children in other rich countries: Overall child well-being: 18 out of 21 The U.S. ranks poorly on all 5 measures: »Health and safety: 21 out of 21 »Family/peer relationships: 20 out of 21 »Behavior and risks: 20 out of 21 »Material well-being: 17 out of 21 »Education: 12 out of 21 Source: UNICEF Report Card No. 7, Child Well-Being in Rich Countries, How are Children Doing?
3 A Vision for America’s Children Everyone should have a shot at the American Dream Less advantaged children need special help
4 This Vision Resonates with Public Opportunity: “Our society should do what is necessary to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity” Inequality: “Do you, yourself, think of America as divided into haves and have-nots, or don’t you think of America that way?” Poverty: “It is the responsibility of the government to take care of people who can’t take care of themselves.” Source: The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Poll Database, 2009.
5 Chances of Reaching the Middle Class by Middle Age Vary
6 Benchmarks for Success
7 Percent Succeeding at Each Life Stage by Family’s Income Quintile at Birth
8 Pathways to the Middle Class
9 Likelihood of Reaching Middle Class by Number of Successful Life Stages
10 Recommendations Need BOTH better policy and more individual responsibility Funding should be tied to evidence of effectiveness Better education from pre-K to 12 More access to college or technical training Stronger starts for more children