Republicans and Democrats
Liberals vs. Conservatives Liberal believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all government should guarantee that no one is in need Government should help individuals solve their problems Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, Individuals should solve their own problems
Republican Party Symbol – Elephant – Why? – Came from an 1874 political cartoon that depicted a Democratic donkey scaring a Republican elephant Nickname – GOP Color – Red Conservative
Democratic Party Symbol – Donkey – Why? Used by opponents in 1828 to insult Andrew Jackson (saying he was stubborn like a donkey) Color – Blue Liberal
Goals for America
Republicans Less government spending Smaller National Government Lower taxes for EVERYONE (including the wealthy) Conservative
Democrats Bigger government More government spending Lower taxes for poor, higher taxes for rich Liberal
Republicans STRONG military even if it means more $$$
Democrats Decrease military spending and strengthen international organizations like NATO and the UN. Scale back our military
Gun Control
Republicans Guns should be available to law abiding citizens Support your rights to carry concealed weapons in public
Democrats Want to restrict guns (THEY DO NOT WANT TO GET RID OF ALL WEAPONS) Favor gun control laws Restrict carrying concealed weapons Want strict laws regarding who can purchase guns (mentally ill, convicted felons)
Global Warming
Republicans Climate change might be real, but it’s just natural Fighting global warming is not a large priority
Democrats Americans should change their lifestyles to help battle global warming
Same Sex Couples
Republicans Hold the view that marriage should be between a man and a woman
Democrats Usually support rights for same sex couples Believe it is OK for someone to be with whomever they choose
Minimum Wage
Republicans Believes the free market should determine wages. No/Less government involvement in the economy
Democrats Believes a living wage above the poverty line should be given
Death Penalty
Republicans Necessary punishment
Democrats Do not believe life should be taken as punishment Only should be used if there is no doubt that this person committed the crime
Illegal Immigration
Republicans Illegal immigrants should return to their home country and enter the USA legally
Democrats Illegal immigrants should be given a way to get their citizenship
Republicans Students should be allowed to choose which school they attend Help people pay for cost of attending private schools that can’t afford it Schools should be held accountable for student learning (ex: PSSA’s)
Democrats Students should attend nearest school to their home.
Republicans Our government should not be helping students pay for college
Democrats Everyone should have the opportunity to attend college Government should help pay if necessary
Republicans Government should protect the unborn child’s life
Democrats Women should have the right to choose. It is a woman’s body therefore it is her choice.